
Lol don’t worry about it. Its hard enough to post on here without kinja winking out.

A seizure dog is different though- it’s not for emotional support- it more the equivalent of a seeing eye dog.

I know! I can’t deal with the people excusing her cruelty with the fact that she had anxiety. No. Many of us are dealing with mental illness of varying types and degrees, but that doesn’t mean we go out and kill an innocent creature. So unless she was quite literally suffering from psychosis, there is no excuse. And,

I worked with a woman once with a seizure disorder. She has a very large, very well trained service dog with her at all times, he even had a little vest! He was absolutely necessary to her health and her ability to make a living but some idiots in the office saw this as an opportunity to bring in all of their little

My brother’s dog learned how to lift the toilet lid with his snout to get to the water! They had to put these weird child lock thingies in all the bathrooms

I had a student who had an ESA for PTSD. I honestly could feel the shift in the room when the pup came in and I was amazed at how calming and helpful she was to her owner during my classes. I truly believe they help people, but people who don’t actually need them or abuse the system ruin it for the genuine cases that

I promise not to try to flush my 65lb. dog down an airport toilet.

“We’re letting you go. But the dog can stay.”

Yeah, that all pisses me off, too. Especially because it both trivializes and further prejudices people to those with real and legitimate disabilities/disorders. I have PTSD (real, unfortunately) and my treatment team suggested that I get a service dog last year after being hospitalized for my eating disorder to help

Well, no, that’s not what the original article said. The original article said,

Oh, good lord. This ESA bullshit has gotten totally out of control. The laws really need to be changed to stop people from trying to fly with pigs, chickens, hamsters, etc. Flying is stressful enough without people trying to sneak a mini zoo onto a plane. I’ve said this before but I’ve known people who took advantage

I don’t doubt it. It’s been such a trend and I really don’t understand why people feel the need to take their pet everywhere. Like, I’m weirdly devoted to/obsessed with my cat and I just don’t get it?

Well, she says she did, but I hope that’s as false as the idea that she was forced to kill an animal because all other options (ask strangers! ask for a manager! just go up to an employee and say “I found this hamster but it’s not mine!”) magically disappeared.

WHAT . THE. FUCK??????? Who decides to cruelly kill their pet like that at an airport. I just...and she’s going to sue?????

Never have I seen so appropriate a use of an Oatmeal comic for a situation that wasn’t about grammar.

Oh yeah. She already has an attorney, who said “they are examining whether to file a lawsuit against the airline” because the “adults” who work at the airline created “a highly stressful situation” for his client, who is “just a kid.” (she’s in her 20s)

Well at least she didn’t shove a living hamster up a guy named John.

Not every day you hear a story about Spirit Airlines in which they’re the only the *secondary* villain.

Did she flush a living hamster down the john? Am I reading this right?