He most certainly does. It’s not funny, it’s not cute, he should not be the nominee, and he won’t win the presidency.
He most certainly does. It’s not funny, it’s not cute, he should not be the nominee, and he won’t win the presidency.
Dude is truly dedicated to Posting Through It. It’s amazing.
Yas...this has always been the clip I see in my head when I think of Lindsey!!! #YouGetAllTheStars
Jesus that even looks like Blanche a little. Well done.
OMG...I can’t anymore. Facebook’s policies exacerbate & intensify the system of oppression that already exists to subjugate people of color. He has NO checks, balances, systems or coding in place to nullify the effects. Thus, the intensification is HIS FAULT, and bc it is worsening already crippling discrimination, he…
Are you aware the Chicago is also in Middle America? Like you know it’s one state over from Missouri... Missouri and Illinois actually share very long border. And of course there are two large cities in Missouri. Sort of like if Baltimore and DC were both in Maryland...
Yeah, I only wish he was a Senator, because South Carolina could definitely use better ones.
Why bless your heart, you little dumb-dumb.
Suits by Bargain Clown of Newark.
Stop besmirching the good and delicious name of mayo!
Not fenced, Zhao says épée’d for it.
“I’m at the mercy of the President right now to help fix this,” said Anderson
It’s not unique but we’re definitely the outlier, and it is exacerbated by our police culture of individual discretion. European police respond in groups, with a minimum of two officers, and 4-12 if violence is expected. That larger response is led by a corporal or sergeant who exercises command and control,…
Bryce Dallas Howard buys her own red carpet dresses, for the reasons cited here - she isn’t a sample size and wanted more choices. For the most part it works out for her, but she is the exception rather than the rule (in part this is likely due to being the daughter of Ron Howard and the access that allows). On the…