He’s a registered democrat. Though, I may not be anymore. I’ve just about had it with these people. In my opinion Sanders has been way too fucking nice.
In march of 2016, I was a Hillary Clinton supporter and if you mentioned Bernie Sanders to me I would have told you to “get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.
For as long as I have been open to supporting Sanders, so for the last year or so, Joe Biden has not been seen a serious threat because he...has…
I’m not saying he doesn’t have a stutter. I am saying what we are witnessing is not it. He always had a stutter, the whole time. since he was a child. He didn’t always sound like this, not be able to complete thoughts or sentences, not know where he is, etc.
None of that is true. He din’t lie about it for 3 days and he did release his medical records.
Oh lots of people do that. There’s large contingent of the left, who can’t stand Hillary Clinton and think Russian election interference is an unserious issue.
With regard to Rogan, I was more referring to women like this: Lindsey Fitzharris medical historian. He defers to her expertise and i don’t think she has any…
Well first of all that is a clip from the Michael Brooks Show, Brooks is discussing how even Rogan knows he is well.
As for the other stuff... Rogan is certainly a meat head, I don’t know that he puts down the accomplishments of women necessarily though...He has on women who are clearly more intelligent than he is and…
I mean... I kind of feel like I should personally be dedicated to destroying the democratic party. I don’t fucking know. probably i’ll vote for the nominee, i’ve never voted for anyone else.
Guy and or lady I know what I said I also included a link to the actual campaign manager https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faiz_Shakir
Which he did, then Obama came in and put his thumb on scale. I'm here volunteering again and most of the volunteers are again black.
That's what I'd say about him if he weren't my father.
Get the fuck out of here. I can’t believe you a buy this “stutter” bullshit.
Here is Joe Biden in 2012 in the debate? Where is his stutter? Why can he complete sentences? here. I could keep going back with clips all the way into 70's when he firs got elected. What is afflicting Joe Biden now is not his stutter.
Yes obviously it’s a better decision. Obviously having someone with full control of their mental faculties is far more important than someone suffering from a physical ailment. If Sanders had another heart attack and dropped dead in office, then he would just be dead. The end. The concern would be someone senile…
Yeah that’s fine. I don’t know why people think these things are comparable.
If he drops dead he’s just dead. He’s not senile with the nuclear launch codes,
I know that’s right. I’ve tried reasoning with my dad. I tried pointing out my dad’s own long history of complaining about capitalism. I tried pointing out every other country in the world has national healthcare and it would be cheaper and more effective than our current system. I tried pointing out Joe Biden has…
1) Sanders does not self identify as a socialist.
2) Sanders’ base certainly did show up in the primaries, which why he won Iowa New Hampshire and Nevada.
In South Carolina, Obama directly intervened to get the Clyburn endorsement. And then Obama intervened to get Klobuchar, Buttigieg to dropout and to get Beto to…
I’m not spreading disinformation. I openly saying what I have said in private since August. The only reason I didn’t say it before was because Biden was in 7th place and I felt sorry for him, This was obviously a mistake. I didn’t think the democratic part was insane enough to nominate him. If I had it to do over I…