
I mean it’s not just her. But you don’t like talking to people, broadly maybe you become mechanic or something. If you’re afraid of interacting with women, maybe you, i dunno become a barber or a truck driver or something. And if you don’t like minorities, I dunno I would just think you’d choose some sort of

First of all, did you seriously just link to the Consumer Price Index, like some sort of first year, first semester business school student?

Anyway, the CPI has become increasingly divorced from the prices experienced by average consumers. (The basket no longer actually corresponds with how consumers actually allocate

Why do these people become teachers?  I never understand it.  If you know you don’t like minorities why would you work in a public school where you know you’re going to have to interact with them?

I would argue there actually hasn’t been any inflation for the last 20 years. (the exception of course are Education, Healthcare and Real estate).

But did the father hug him after that?

Who is Lawrence? For that matter, who is Issa Rae? 

Now you done confused the white people with your street lingo code talk.

Yeah, let me guess how they knew he was a suspect he...“fit the description”?

You seriously want us to believe Dallas PD the motherfuckers who let Lee Harvey Oswald get shot while in their custody don’t know how to find three patsies to pin their bullshit on?

That’s obviously the point. that’s obviously why they suspended him because they don’t have the time or ability or capability to adjudicate the nuances of every literary lynching allusion. so... no calling for the lynching of any public figures, even though the context is dramatically different for a Muslim Immigrant

Look Billy Bud, shut the fuck up about your basic ass literary references.

I hear you and I agree but you know how those people are. They’re gonna say “@IlhanMN should be lynched she’s an uppity n**g** muslim”

oops sorry. I was trying to reply to the actual article. not your comment.

Nah you needed to be suspended. Not that I don’t think about saying something similar about Trump on the daily. But twitter needs to suspend you so when the MAGAs talk about stringing up Illan Omar twitter can boot their Deplorable asses.

I don’t know how you watch that stuff. Like, the world is horrible enough with out seeking out these cases.

I don’t be listening the shit he say man unless he puts a beat behind it.

but Last Call is sooo good.

I just started listening to Last Call for the first time in years.

God damnit...I love Kanye so much

That was just for making him do that shit.

Jay also said:Kanyeezy you did it again, you a genius nigga!