Joseph Kony: Leader of the Christian terrorist group "The Lord's Resistance Army" in Uganda.
Joseph Kony: Leader of the Christian terrorist group "The Lord's Resistance Army" in Uganda.
WTF is this that Joseph Kony dude?
i think they were ritz crackers.
I have an xbox one, if i had to buy one game; should i buy destiny? or should i get halo: master chief collection? (full disclosure: i have never played halo before but i do like FPS) What does everyone think, having played it for a week or so?
You must admit, it would've been really cool if they had just for shits and giggles, turned gravity physics to half, and muffled all the sound, just to create atmosphere on the moon. Maybe breathing apparatus, with O2 levels, etc etc.
Also they never announced the casting of Daario naharis in this type of video either... did they?
You do realize that there is absolutely NO reason to announce the casting of Lady Stoneheart right?
holy crap. me want. so bad.
cancelled after 2 days, it's okay, not horrible, but not wow i must have this. Bought wolfenstein instead... and a sandwich, with some change leftover.
Bravo! Came here to post this. Hands down best batman story, with him being an actual detective instead of a power-hungry thug like in Miller's version.
oh yeah, i had the nagging feeling that something was missing from the video. It was ze blood splatter!
I'm not an expert at shooter games, you can say im more of an amateur casual FPS player, but i have felt that even though ive been playing for a while, it was still much easier when titanfall was newer, but as casual players have thinned out and only mostly hardcore gamers remain, it has become frustratingly difficult…
ok then. carry on.
i must've misunderstood then.
well, i would disagree... it had a decent head-start on it's competition, the ps2 wouldnt come out till a year later. It was incredibly dev-friendly, appealed to both hardcore and casual gamers, online functionality was ahead of its time, it had strong sales in that first year. I think it all came down to economics of…
Sigh. The Dreamcast. An underrated console, that could've done great things if Sega had got it's act together.
Interesting. which 25 countries? and who was against?
well, actually no. This is now a standard map, that may have been made in North America later, but the map itself originates with european cartographers
this map does portray Europe as the center of the world... just saying