
and since the actual word "Marine" denoting sea-based in origin, precedes all military uses, they should all ask for permission from Neptune, God of the Oceans.

Didn't they already have Super-Shredder in Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze:?

Today; A rambling nostalgic rave on the web and it's workings by Anil Dash, next week; the History of Golf by Lil Wayne.


Aha! I anticipated this, and hid the 3rd dimension in the 4th dimension, you didn't check there.

i already have a 3d remote. I can personally attest that the remote is in fact 3d.

could it be?... john williams is the one common thread that ties the above movies together, star wars, jurassic park and superman the movie. Could it be his score that makes these movies immortal on a subconcious level?

Not violent attitude per se, but according to the economist, Brosnan had (on average per film) a higher body count and sex count than the others (more than twice that of Daniel Craig in both categories), Daniel Craig however does come ahead on one count... almost 5 times as many alcoholic beverages consumed as Brosnan.

Absolutely. I still believe that years from now, at some level, people will be more delighted by Superman: The Movie (1978) than any superhero movie that came after it. Just like Jurassic Park will be the standard by which Dinosaur movies are judged, and Star Wars.

i actually meant Eddy Cue's Twitter handle, but yeah this is pretty hilarious as well.

click on his twitter handle up there and check out his entire tweeting history for yourself... it's actually much much worse.

Google now already plugs into your entire browsing history (mobile+desktop) provided you're logged in to the chrome browser on your desktop/laptop and you've given Now permission to access the information..

While i think they should've remained free, It still only costs $50 a year, and is still the cheapest full-featured alternative. If a business can't handle that expense, there are bigger problems to work out.

well, sprint has the cheapest unlimited plan, but not the cheapest plans overall.

Even if hangouts is the only feature they use, everyone should be using it.

The CEO sent out a letter last month, after the Metro PCS deal to customers saying not to expect the iPhone, but that metro pCS will bring better coverage and possibly LTE to the existing wide range of t-mobile products... and now this. Really awful timing, they could've held off that letter, or announced this

interestingly, he's actually supposed to be wayyyy smarter than batman, but batman is a better detective while superman is the scientist, something he inherited from his dad. Different applications.

ya, sorry, i just figured it must be the one with the word "missing" on top of it.

hmm... you could be right, i was thrown off by the fact that the big bold letters "MISSING" were super-imposed on top of that island.

so was it a deliberate fake? I dont understand how something like this happens as a result of human error? How does one accidentally see an island, name it, and various points on it's surface and gauge it's topography?