
FUCK! I feel so duped! I can’t believe I ended up with this crappy sub-par and cheap Golf R. If only I had purchased a kwality american car instead! Oh, wait, the only american equivalent is a Focus RS? OK! I’ll buy that!

I had a professor who spent a lot of time around the East / West German border during the cold war and he mentioned that the West German guards released a ton of rabbits into the area between the border fences to keep the grass down so it was easier to spot people trying to escape. The rabbits ate the grass but didn’t

You say that like there is only a slight overlap in a veinn diagram of this. I’d say it’s one circle

“dudes trying to tell you that loud pipes save lives because they don’t understand the Doppler effect...”

THERE ONLY ON EARTH TO BE OSTENTATIOUS. Crap performance, crap MPG, crap handling, crap dealers, crap product, crap clients. They are the Lamborghini of bikes, except that Lamborghini tries and didn’t just make the Countach for the last 50 years.

“I am a 50 year old white male.”
I suspect that summarizes their problems.

Also as someone that owns a liter v-twin superbike, rattling your godands off is actually not a selling v-twin feature. I imagine part of the HD cost comes from the gallon of red threadlocker needed to keep all the chrome trim attached.

Well, my mortgage is $1349 a month and I have 4 children which the oldest is 15 and my wife is an awesome stay-at-home mom so yes, I have much money to payout much like a two-legged ATM machine.

They should just transition to an all-trike lineup to really cater to their target audience. Old guy “rebels” with obese-guy knee problems who threaten to “kick ass” but get winded walking from the armchair to the fridge.

Sadder to whom? I hate the company, the product, the clientele, the movement.

Have you not taken your car in to get fixed yet? Please do so.

1st: Just do it. Ignore the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Enable automakers to build more efficient engines to extract as much energy from a limited natural resource as possible without worrying about the damage that will occur when Peter Penny-pincher ignores all the minimum octane warnings to save $2 at the pump.

In theory, a standard octane fuel should be cheaper than what we currently have with multiple octane fuels available. But so long as there are different fuel blends for different regions in the US I doubt we’d see any decrease in retail price.

The demand for backward compatibility is a disease that stalls innovation. This isn’t even non-compatible. It’s simply sub-optimal.

I would love to know what oxygenate you would propose that we use instead of ethanol. Of course we can’t go back to Tetraethyl lead (TEL), and we have decided that MTBE is not something that we want in our ground water. The only other oxygenates that are notable candidates are ETBE and Methanol. And ETBE is made using

Came wanting to hate, left wanting to buy.

New ringtone...

Those headers!! Those stacks!!??!!! Wwhhaaarrgggggg1!!!

I was waiting in my car and someone did just that.

The only legitimate reason for sitting high up I have heard came from my an Aunt of mine. “I’m getting old, my knees are terrible, and I have little energy since getting Lupus. Its much easier on me to get out of a crossover than a car, a car causes me pain at this point.”

Ad companies need to hire Psychology majors/minors.