
They for sure cut some out like the long straightaway but damn... even still I didn’t see much of anything else they left out. I bet he ran around an 8:30 or so which is still impressive as hell considering he was sideways a good 85 of the time!

You’ve obviously not lived much in a rural area. Drugs are a major issue yet the police issue speeding tickets instead of dealing with the methheads....

Wish I would’ve seen this...

Early 2000's impala
RWD block 3800 with the supercharged 3800 heads on it and a custom intake manifold sans supercharger
twin turbocharge it
t56 transmission with a Tailhousing for 4wd (welded so awd)
front and rear independent suspension differentials.

I can’t believe I’m saying this but that crossover looks good!

He probably designed it himself and had someone cut it... I’m building my own car from scratch as well and I’d do that for sure.

Why buy a cnc mill if you can hire someone for a fraction of the cost?

How many EV’s do you have without and OBD2 port exactly?

This should be an interesting answer...

For those of you bitching about ethanol in gas... maybe just use not ethanol gas and let the rest of us use the ethanol infused stuff.

I’d rather run e85 all day long and not get cancer while also helping the environment than run whatever the oil industry has been adding for years. Plus anyone saying “Big Corn” has

The thing looks like a chrysler 200 wanted to become a muscle car but couldn’t quite give up it’s girlish looks....

That cop sounds like a giant asshole :/

I think he is thinking you are referring to how everyone is blaming Millenials for shit going awry.

You’re more “straight to the point” than “rude”. I propose a name change.

Is it just me or does the interior look like ford and volkswagon had a love child?

Yours is my favorite story.... because beating the shit out of someones car because of their own fuckery makes me smile.

How did a car’s ignition “fling you across the parking lot”?

I call bullshit... yeah it hurts but it won’t send you sailing...

You haven’t been around many farmer have you?

GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY! That’s dirt cheap!
I wonder what the cost of ownership is like on one...

Big turbo =/= t25. The t25 was smaller than a td04-13t from an 02-07 wrx. As far ass the block I’m not worried. There have been quite a few people who have done an NA-T subie with 400+ hp with no block issues. Obviously aftermarket rods and pistons though.

I really think a majority of the time people don’t do enough

You are more crazy than I... I tried riding my bike around in 30 degree weather and said I’d never do it again....

I’m slapping a t25 off a SAAB 900 on it with something similar to the Subachad up-pipe. I’ll be running 565cc STI injectors and a walbro pump for fuel and a MS2PNP converted to work on the subaru in parallel with the stock ecu so the 4eat doesn’t freak out.

If I ever decide I want more power it’s getting a gt2871, some

Can we use Ocelots and name them all Babou?