Seriously. Can we make this happen? Can there be a nut punch brigade?
Seriously. Can we make this happen? Can there be a nut punch brigade?
Seriously, revenge porn bothers the shit out of me so much. I wish everyone who is a rabid consumer of these revenge porn sites gets punched in their genitals.
Her bangs were glorious. So disappointing. The could have used clip-on bangs!
Let's agree you're all idiots. There are actual serious problems and all you can do is throw the words "Liberal!" and "Conservative!" back and forth as if they were insults. Is this going to solve anything? I wouldn't mind so much if it kept you busy while the adults talked, but the adults can't hear themselves think…
Oooh, I hadn't known that. And yes that fraternization rule fun just for funsies wasn't it? :) I also liked the actor who played the police man (He's Welsh I think) and the German Commander.
He was! He was the brother-in-law (in a Freudian moment, I typed -lay...haha!)...and darn attractive he was too. I have only seen McGrath in that film but I kept thinking she was a prettier Kiera Knightly.
Hot ginger saying Sassenach. This literally turns me into a melted puddle. (The second half of the video.)
You don't get a star... YOU ARE A STAR!!!
I would never stop ridiculing that person.
If I never hear the words "hater" "hipster" or "outrage" again it will be too soon. I am fucking DONE with this decade.
Fuck that noise. Ketchup doesn't have feelings. You can hate on ketchup all you want, sister. I'll be there right alongside you.
My new reply when people judge my bacon habit. I'm grieving and I'll only survive through kummerspeck
I'm rewatching Frozen right now on silent with subtitles for you:)
She's a beauty. I'm sorry for your loss.
Why not? I do that with everything else. Except I always wish it was purple. Seriously... where's the purple love these days?
This seems so...familiar...
I think they ALL stepped out of the '90s.
Bitches love good grammar.
I know it's the least of their crimes, but who spells like this? It hurts my brain.