Oh lord. That’s the “Master Race” now, eh? Hitler’s crying in Hell, he is.
Oh lord. That’s the “Master Race” now, eh? Hitler’s crying in Hell, he is.
Oh GOD yes. Just...STFU. Just because YOU would do something in a situation—and you don’t know that you WOULD because you’ve never been in it—doesn’t mean that she could have, in that exact specific one. Weinstein obviously far outweighed Sciorra. He was stronger than her. And, ugh, very likely used to doing…
Holy crap, yes. This is exactly on the nose. I’m thirty. Most of my friends have kids, I do not. I like knowing about their daily lives, what they’re up to. My best friend’s 7 year old calls me Auntie. But they aren’t *intolerable* about it. I also have a pre-existing condition that hospitalizes me often. If one of my…
Really. I feel mildly dirty for being Jewish right now after reading that. *I* am critical of the Israeli government. Does that make me self-hating?
First of all, I'd like to see him try. No, seriously. He looks like he can't even walk up the stairs without clutching his chest in agony. And, for that matter, how the hell does he actually plan to carry this threat out?
Catcalling can be terrifying, and those who defend it don't see that. I myself didn't understand that until I was physically accosted in the street for ignoring a man's question (which was aimed at my back, and I am deaf; I didn't hear it). It was in broad daylight. People saw and did not offer any assistance. The guy…
You know, I was thinking about the argument "It's like if you put a big, juicy steak in front of a dog and expect him not to eat it" vis-a-vis supporting of rape. The other day, I had one of this big, juicy steaks in my room, not intending to conduct an experiment. I just had a lazy moment and wanted to eat dinner in…
I'm Jewish as well. So I guess, in this guy's mind, every Jew wants only to see rabbis walking out of the temple and into their station wagons, then venturing home for Shabbas while their wives cook brisket and lox and bagels (and whatever other weird food those Jews eat amirite?) and recite "Baruch atah adonai" over…
Anyone else think it is really disgusting when someone shortens "come" to "cum", especially adding "my" to it? Ugh. Gross.
What do they think, exactly? That they're contagious? "Oh no! We must keep those internet people away from the children! They'll catch the TinderCupidMatchHarmony bug!"
I also loved A Walk to Remember. I balled my frigging eyes out watching that movie. But, yes, like Kelly said, if it was just ONE teen cancer story, I wouldn't mind. Nicholas Sparks's books/films have been revealed to be all the same. "Wealthy white people in North Carolina have feelings and cancer and parental issues…
The only way I will sit through the 50 Shades of I Shat on Paper and This Happened trailer.
Even if he only begins the conversation with "sup" and/or follows it up with "u dtf"? Because that doesn't seem like he finds me something special. Seems like he finds me to be a body he's willing to stick his dick in.
I'm on OKC right now, and out of every 50 messages I get, maybe 5 or 6 are genuine. In my "you should message me if" portion, I put "If you've read my profile and not just looked at my pictures". I also put, in the first paragraph, that I'm DEAF, in ALL CAPS, and if I reply and they have no idea, then I know they have…
Oh YEAUH! Toast that bagel! You know what I like, Proctor toaster! No one can brown those edges and make the outside crispy while leaving the inside soft and fluffy like you! Oh, I'm having the vapors!
Ooh, I volunteer to head the brigade!