Think of me when you wipe yo' ass
Think of me when you wipe yo' ass
I don't know about anyone else, but an orgasm every time sounds fucking exhausting. I was dating a guy once who bragged that he could get me off four times in one night. I never found out if that was true or not because just the thought terrified me.
You speak German? I'm learning it myself. Though, as a deaf person, I've discovered that learning a new language when you can't actually hear that language spoken is hard as all hell.
Actually, Germany is quite an open-minded country today. It's probably one of the better places in Europe to be! Berlin has the third-highest population of Jewish people in Europe, as well as immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. It's pretty awesome, considering that not so long ago, Germany had next to no…
In may places in Germany, it's taken very seriously. Although there is a small percentage where Nazi Germany and the Holocaust isn't touched upon as much. I read an article about it, but I can't find it anywhere. I believe the article mentioned Western Germany but it may have been proven false. As it is, every Google…
I find that fascinating! I would love to pick his brain, have a chat with him. I have a friend in Westphalia, Germany, whose grandfather was a member of the German Navy during WWII. He sent me some pictures, including ones of his enlistment papers, which, of course, were stamped with the Party emblem. I showed some of…
I'm a Jew who studies/has an interest in Nazi Germany, specifically what caused it, the hypocrisy prevalent amongst it, its continuing effect on modern Germany/the world at large, etc. As such, I can also differentiate between finding a certain artifact or piece of information fascinating and knowing that if it were…
She looks like she really, really has to take a crap. Just expel this "book" from your anus, Dakota. You'll feel so much better.
Right?! Wouldn't kick Mr. Clafin out of bed, that's for damn sure. I don't know what the problem is. He's gorgeous.
Did anyone else immediately get this stuck in their heads or is it just me? IT'S THE CIRCLE OF LIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFEE. AND IT MOVES US ALLLLLLLLLLLL!
I was going to ignore this. She is just a stupid ass troll, with horrible taste in guys. (Seriously? "Hot"?) But "Pay the price"?! You fucking idiot! A close friend of mine was raped. Not by "going out and doing dumb stuff", but by merely walking down the dorm hallway. Was SHE just "paying the price" for daring to…
My lady garden. It looks like this.
Yep. The Lebensborn Program, brainchild of SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler. Good Aryan girls—yes I use the term "girls" purposely—were encouraged to get pregnant as soon as they were able in order to further populate the Reich with more little blond Nazi babies. These were then given to good Nazi families who…
Same. One of my ex-boyfriends, shortly after we were dating, asked this question. I told him "I'm of German descent" and he replied "lol Nazi". Then I said I'm Jewish. He said "lol Heeb".
I'm convinced a good portion of Americans have never actually glimpsed a map.
Veuve Clicquot is the hot foreign guy you hook up with repeatedly while taking a semester abroad. He's pretty to look at, and you feel totally cultured and well-traveled when you tell your friends back home that you have a "casual thing with a local but it's no big deal", but once your semester ends, you realize that…
I am completely with you. I have an incurable neurological disorder and an appointment at the National Institute of Health in the coming weeks that may in fact be canceled. Without that appointment, I won't get an MRI. Without an MRI, my doctors won't be able to sufficiently monitor my illness and I remain in the dark…
For a second when I originally read "LTR", I thought he had typed "LOTR", and I found myself thinking, "Why in the actual fuck is this guy combing Middle Earth with his girlfriend?"
That was the extent of our argument. "Are you seriously trying to tell me that I can't wear red nail polish?" That quarrel lasted two days. Over nail polish.