Fraser Forster, The Unfrozen Caveman Keeper

Further to “don’t worry about losing”:

Loyola has just become the most successful team in NCAA tournament history. Their all-time winning percentage is now .765; Duke is at .752.

Historically, the rationale for underpaying and underfeeding these ludicrously valuable assets is that the minor leagues should be some sort of gauntlet to be overcome, and making things too comfortable would sap their motivation to move up the ranks. Feeding them PB&J as a postgame spread ensures that they will play

Live free or tk.

That rare instance where it’s appropriate to @ both SportsCenter and the FBI.

That followed shortly after flatly declaring him concussed. I think he might be aware of the indictment it carries, honestly.

Let’s be real here: her otherworldly idiocy is the incriminating evidence here. She’s the sort of person who would cover her tracks with 8.5x11" head shots. She couldn’t steal a cotton ball from a blind man without giving herself away.

Nothing screams “I belong to a more intelligent race” like using your own picture on the barely-pseudonymous Twitter account you use to post white nationalist nonsense.

No, no, no. The German Mexican skier was Prince Hubertus Rudolph zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg. This guy is German, who is just Mexican.

You’d like McMorris then. He’s one of the highlights of the CBC’s one seems to give a damn that he isn’t making an attempt to be professional. He’s a great mix of knowledgeable commentary and delightfully stupid jokes.

But in silver. Driving instructor was a very silly man, and thus his driving school had a Celica mostly because he wanted to drive a Celica. Did most of the lessons in a VW result, I exceeded the speed limit ever-so-slightly in the test, because the Celica accelerates somewhat differently than the Bug.

Norway, Netherlands, France, Great Britain, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Serbia, New Zealand, Nigeria.

Yeah, the ability to sell loot boxes is a large part of it. I play inconsistently, maybe a couple sessions of ~2 hours apiece each week, which usually equals out to about two crates. I have no desire to get 75 pairs of identical pants, so I sell the crates.

They’re literally just posting links so that people will go to the site to read the article, rather than reading a synopsis here. That will mean that people will get the full force of an extremely good and important article, and will drive traffic to The Times-Picayune, thus ensuring that they are rewarded for

And playing at 0.0 Wins Above Replacement that season meant that Alfredo Griffin was posting a solid Wins Above Average Alfredo Griffin Season mark. No player in baseball history has more career plate appearances with a negative fWAR.

The flop makes it comedy; the ref’s reaction makes it art.

Having my girlfriend start her period while we were having sex wasn’t embarrassing. We’ve all been there.

2017 was straight-up weird, man.

This is shaping up perfectly for a late Ravens touchdown and overtime win that eliminates the Bills from postseason contention.

One of the beautiful things about a society where automation has replaced most workers: we can have a big, beautiful conveyor belt with fully automated functions, leading to a sensor-laden guillotine and corpse disposal system that allows just one executioner to do the work of twelve. Thanks, corporate America!