Fraser Forster, The Unfrozen Caveman Keeper

Go to Bruno Caboclo’s Basketball Reference page, and scroll down to ‘Transactions’.

Not just their first point of the Serie A season: their first point in Serie A, ever. They have never before played in the top division.

I keep checking to see whether the Kickstarter for a new Red Baron game has been resurrected. That game consumed an ungodly amount of 11-year-old me’s time, to the point where I still have an encyclopediac knowledge of WWI pilots, planes, and Belgian geography.

And Darold Knowles was a coach for the Dunedin Blue Jays...where he was the guy in charge of coordinating Morrow’s many rehab stints.

Morrow has more appearances in this postseason than he managed in the 2012, 2013 or 2014 seasons.

Cannot be emphasized enough: the NFL spent years fighting to prevent teams from having fun like this.

I have a 2010 Mazda 3. No rust on it, and until last year (when I bought it), it wasn’t even undercoated. And I’m in an area where seeing a car from earlier than 2000 is akin to seeing a unicorn, because everything rusts out here.

Not sure I agree. The impromptu “these are some cameras we have” montage struck me as a fresh and exciting take on live sports event direction.

The value of the Dodgers’ coffers isn’t even in the players on their roster, but the players they’ve paid to go away. They paid $48m this season to seven players they have turfed...while they have made plenty of good moves, the ability to simply write off the bad decisions is a huge advantage, because they don’t feel

Not quite; it’s 1800km driving distance from Toronto to Halifax, and about 1000km from Vancouver to Calgary.

Also, Gale is not a man of many dongs. Eight minor league seasons, eleven home runs. To thwack one in his first plate appearance after being recalled is quite an event indeed.

It’s all karma for the Tigers (and more specifically, Bobby Higginson) ruining Roy Halladay’s no-hitter with two outs in the 9th back in a perfectly meaningless September game in 1998. Yeah, I’m still bitter about that.

The strategy of having the fleet of foot players 20 yards downfield to block while the linesmen make themselves available for laterals was a uniquely Brownsian twist.

Driving through Ottawa, the GPS in my friend’s car — which had been having some mild problems, namely a tendency to show the car icon floating through city blocks as it attempted to determine our location — concluded that we had made a wrong turn, and laid out a route to allow us to reorient via a couple left turns

Doesn’t hurt that the NBA has finally realized that old white dudes are not the biggest target market. Stern didn’t want players taking political stands — or showing any indication of having a personality outside of basketball, if possible — for fear of alienating people who in general don’t give a damn about the

Yeah; the more I read about it, the more it appears that you’re right. The best-case scenario still left him a pretty garbage human being, but all indications are that he isn’t terribly redeemable.

There are a shocking number of people (okay, men) who don’t seem to be capable of separating the two concepts, and the internet seems to embolden them further. At no point would a person think “that cute girl in the grocery store made eye contact with me; I will walk up to her and either pull down my pants and show

They all Play The Game The Right Way, too, yet the Reds are butt. My world is unraveling.

The Jays have lost ten consecutive games that would have taken them to/above .500 (counting opening day).

My father bought a mid-70s BMW, which came with a complementary spool of copper wire because the previous owner had been hotwiring any dead electrics to live circuits.