
I, for one, am completely satisfied to witness the slow demise of one of my least favorite brands. 

No, it’s just correct at this point. Whatever this company may have been in the past, it’s just an overpriced toy for fat middle-aged dentist who feels the need for attention by breaking noise regulations. Nobody wants a Harley anymore nor should they. And as to evolving with the times, doubt it, I’m scared to drive

This is so bad I can’t even watch.

I listen to far too much rap music.

I’m not anti-Amazon at all, but their purchase of Whole Foods has been something of a disaster from a customer standpoint. I went from being a semi-regular shopper to three or four times per year. Even without “disappearing suppliers” the stocking of many shelves (particularly produce) has been terrible since Amazon.

I’m trying to imagine describing the cyberpunk future of the 2020s to my teenage self back around 1989. He’d probably assume 21st Century corporate intrigue had something to do with three megabytes of hot RAM floating inside mnemonic couriers’ heads, and I’d have to tell him, “Nah, it’s mostly dudes taking pictures of

I borrowed one in 2018, in Wales. A clattery old NA diesel with 200k-ish miles and poorly tuned, proven by clouds of soot at a cold start. But man did I love driving that car in Wales. Very comfortable, very fun in a slow car fast way and more capable than the narrow tires would make you believe. I was told by people

Dear Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge/Ram dealership owners,

Harry remembers what the European press did to his mother, and all women that don’t fit the “Royal mold”.  Good on him for choosing his wife and child over a country who’s media is dead set on destroying them.  

A bunch of troll ass motherfuckers showing up here for an opportunity to shit on a black woman. Ignore then

I expect this kind of vitriol regarding Meghan from the Brits but why so much hate on the Root for her? Knock it off. She does not deserve this!!!

BS. I know Troy and he’s greasy as hell. His ounces are 26 grams at best.

A Troy Ounce is slightly larger than an ounce. It’s 31.1 grams. 

This is horrifying. I work in aerospace for one of those greedy, profit-driven meat grinder corporations and yet, if anyone were to display this attitude, even verbally, we’d dox that person and have them fired in a second.

At some point, you have to stop blaming this shit on the beancounters after seeing email after email of Boeing engineers showing nothing but contempt for regulators and pilots alike. 

They are correct, those communications do not reflect the company that they are and you shouldn’t judge the entire company based on what a few people in it did.

An immature chubby baby with small hands who rolls around in a golf cart? Sounds like the perfect mascot to me.

“These documents do not represent the best of Boeing. The tone and language of the messages are inappropriate, particularly when used in discussion of such important matters, and they do not reflect who we are as a company or the culture we’ve created.”

Bare with me on this: