
As someone who rode his bike to work for 5 years in Beijing, China, I’ll confirm that nothing is more effective than the human voice. I still had a bell though as it really helped punctuate the expletives I would fling at other people:

Admit it, you’re shorting UBER.

Thanks for capturing, very eloquently, what I was trying to express.

I started reading Jalopnik in late 2005, through a link from Gawker.


This exactly.

Not to make any excuses for the program team, but on the maintenace side, military customers are the greatest PITA’s you can imagine.

This sounds like something James Dolan would do.

I agree, 69's are great.”

+1 for the FTF reference!

Loving this question as I often dream of starting a repro business!!

Just came here to say that Matt here has the best gosh-darned Instagram account and ya’ll should follow it.

It’s interesting that the press release would call Stevens an ‘investor’ instead of a minority owner...

I’m not one of the youngs anymore but I think those Hella rallye lights are highly instagramable, as is the whole car, really.

More like “bring a trailer queen” amirite?

He was also an inveterate entrepreneur who started many businesses including at least two airlines.

Great article. Not surprised that the PR flacks didn’t respond.

“Hope-berets”, priceless.

So my company does maintenance on old jets and when we learned about this sale, some people anticipated that we’d get some of that sweet ATAC money. No dice however. These guys scoured the entire earth (Spain, Morocco, Peru and who knows where else) and bought enough old spare parts to fly for the duration of the

Ah but noe, ze fancee parigian suit-guy is too cool fore a tie! :)