Easy, you start playing at 3:45 am. :)
Easy, you start playing at 3:45 am. :)
I just think sports are fun to watch and play.
No Stiches? I expected him to come lumbering along.
That’s not even the most egregious thing about this...the Ravens were perfectly fine making a double murder suspect a team captain for more than a decade...but WEED?!?!?! No fucking way.
team after team passing because weed is bad.
Maybe teams passed on him not because of the drugs, but because he has a mysterious figure following him around trying to sabotage his career. That’s certainly a “distraction” if there ever was one.
I know how he feels. Smoking pot is likely what has kept me from getting drafted the past 5 years
Uh, no. It clearly crossed the line.
Ha! I’m always taken aback when someone complains about an ad on any of the Gawker sites. Thanks to Ad-Block Plus, I forgot what a web ad even looks like. Ad-Block Plus, protecting your blindside from online ads.
Bro it was a goal. Tough loss but don't whine.
There’s no evidence any hacking took place. Unauthorized use of an account is not, on its own, hacking. If I get up from my desk and you sit down and type out a tweet on my account, you didn’t hack me.
“Now things have gotten worse”
Heh, it’s so optimistic to think that there’ll be jobs left for our kids. Me, I’m preparing my kids for Thunderdome. Their practice with spears and spikes welded onto a dune buggy will definitely edge out anyone with a bachelors of arts degree in 2030.
I love the “thank you for supporting Dark Souls III” at the end.
It’s like ED-209 saying “thank you for your compliance” after it’s riddled you with machine gun bullets.