Frank W. Doom

Android Assault is such a good game.

I’m new at this.

Where do I get tickets for that?

Lots of people are big fans of both.

Yes, but in this case Moncada never touches 3rd.

Eagle was certainly in the baseline, but lowering your shoulder and hitting a guy at full speed is never a good look.”

way to ruin Magary’s vacation by posting Gary Anderson not missing

You should review this show. Maybe we’d get better insight into the show rather than:

Hiding the card in a copy Slaughterhouse-Five makes total sense. Here’s why:

Song of the South?

I love Overwatch but HOLY SHIT is the loot box situation progressively getting worse in this game. Fewer duplicates means I get less gold in my bank for when these events roll around and more cosmetics that I’ll never use (seriously, I’m lucky to break 3000g in time for a new event anymore). And the inclusion of all

Those wood-panel borders are so beautiful. 1987 Topps was the best.

I just know I’m gonna get kinja’d on this.

In some respects, the term really doesn’t matter. The cost of any financed asset is depreciation + interest paid. The depreciation isn’t affected by the financing term, only the interest paid is. And really it comes down to rate. Longer term typically means a higher rate.

Didn’t we trade North Dakota to Canada for a couple of truckloads of Labatts and two hockey players to be named later.

*Pulls out SSB, 007, Mech Assault

Regardless, the model year(s) gave us the best car fantasy ever. Ever.

I, uh, kinda like the paint job, but the wheels and the sex dungeon seats would have to go.