Frank W. Doom

Will accept payment in cryptocurrency so you know it’s legit....

My uncle drove a Dodge Top Hand from new until the floorboards rusted through. Wish they’d bring that back!

sorry i couldn’t hear you over th-

“It is nature, my friend. It will balance you.”

artists’s rendering:

I get tricked by these articles so often. I’m always stoked to read something, then it turns out to be a fucking podcast.


What’s your take on including an original track on a Greatest Hits album?

This site has price guides for what you should pay for one if you are looking to buy a Falcon.

Clearly, you’re not a golfer

Sports Photography is one of my true hobbies, it’s just a shame how expensive it is to get into, and unless you got the right connections you’ll rarely be able to get down onto the field. I lucked out in college, knowing the right people to get the credentials, but now any game I go to I’m in the stands trying to get

I’ve commented about this before, but Wahlberg is just fantastically good at playing dumb characters. Boogie Nights and Pain and Gain alone are enough for me to say he is one of our greatest actors of dim people who think they’re really bright. Now, I think he’s also really good in The Departed as one of the smarter

I think it’s stretched out so that it only looks ok from the camera’s angle. I went to a rugby match in Hong Kong once and the field was painted this way. The on-field ads were weird trapezoids that you really couldn’t read in person, but on camera they were perfect rectangles. Since then I’ve seen it a few times on

It’s not the only one he dies in, nor is it the most ridiculous, but it is the most satisfying.

You have very bad opinions.

One extremely important detail you forgot to mention is one glarring change.