Frank W. Doom

modded systems seem to be one of the only things regularly caught. the number of homemade or aliexpress snes counterfeits listed and sold is ridiculous.

yes. ebay has been overrun with homemade bootlegs for a while now and ebay doesn’t really give a shit and the rightsholders tend not to pay attention so people get away with it. repros of the beta version have been available for a while but selling star fox 2 carts right now seems like a pretty ballsy thing to do.

I’m in the same boat. But it’s easy to feel smart playing along at home because its by design. A lot of the answers on the show are drawn from that wide and shallow collection of knowledge the general public has, so everyone can get a bunch of them right. Supposedly the qualifying tests are way harder to weed out the

Fine! give me some chicken mcnuggets and an oreo blizzard then. Also I’m paying with nickels.

i counted 98 scene cuts in a 186 second video. i might have missed a few because they were cutting again before I could register there had just been a cut.

candy land at #4 is a travesty. it’s not even a game, the winner is determined the moment the cards are shuffled. there are no decisions to be made. there are no gameplay elements. there is zero skill involved. you draw cards, and someone wins, based on the order you are drawing cards.

first, whoever owns the equipment is ceding control to the artist to use for their own purposes. second, the artist is going to do the actual equipment setup to suit their needs.

that’s great and all but with new standards that allow for installing something directly from the bios, which lenovo is already known to do, that’s still not going to put you in the clear.

I found a report of game ending HBP from an old article

agreed, Wasteland was my favorite too. the slight slope made it interesting without totally jacking everything up. The slight variations are what make for good fields. The major deviations like starbase and tokyo are bad.

The Uplander exists in my mind for one single memory. I worked at a GM dealer in the mid-2000s and there was a new one of these an employee was driving for a few days. The engine failed within a few hundred miles. Literally this was a brand new vehicle with brand new everything and the engine destroyed itself before

I never bothered to make an avclub account so on one hand, its nice i can post on avclub articles now. on the other hand, the kinja comment system is effectively unusable. comments were 95% of my interest on any given article, but I’m not going to waste my time trying to follow those kinds of discussions here. so I’m

I’ve seen one on the road here a few times. the whole right side is caved in. I don’t know if it’s one of the original cars wrecked for a movie or just someone’s piece of shit beetle.

that car in the header looks like a Crash Test Dummies toy car where the wheels and everything else pops off neatly when you wreck it

well that’s fucking dumb. half the fun of playing Jason was having some dipshit Tommy accidentally shoot the counselor you just grabbed in a misguided effort to save them.

The first time I played Half Life I got bored during the opening tram ride and jumped out. No idea how I did that. I had to start over.

right?! as is everyone is hostage to the whims of the host or his shit ISP

I didn’t catch any of that but just yesterday I made the decision to put the game down until they resolve the worst issues, namely the game ending over connection issues and not getting credit for anything. I’d say 2/3 of my games end because 1. the host gets killed early and rage quits 2. generic connection failure.

It’s only wrong if you have to be deceptive about something (actually deceptive, not just exaggerating for negotiation purposes). Even then it’s still a seller’s responsibility to know what they’re doing. And they still hold all the power- they get to decide if a deal is acceptable or not. There’s little excuse

blue velvet