Frank W. Doom

it’ll be on craigslist tomorrow: “ran when parked”

you have no reason not to. you totally should.

that last one looked like the stiffest baseball swing I’ve ever seen. how did he get any power behind that

The famicom version of Rad Racer, Highway Star, does use the active 3d glasses and it works really well. The USA version got the nerfed red/blue 3d that’s pretty awful.

New Vegas the game is amazing. New Vegas the city within the game is pretty underwhelming for what it should have been.

because as soon as anyone bothers to check for key requests to the home office, they’re going to find a very obvious trail back to someone very dumb. this isn’t some random db, it’s a franchise dealership requesting a key code through their internal systems.

they exist so cash only businesses can point your to their convenient atm, double dipping on you as they save on processing fees and get to charge you to access your money.

the auction site layout is atrocious and it’s basically impossible to look through the pics. i’ve grabbed all of them I think and put them on imgur which is marginally better

Padres games are great when your favorite team from back home comes to play.

How do you go about arranging an independent inspection? That’s always recommended but how do you go about telling a dealer (or private owner) you’re taking their car for an inspection and making sure someone is available to do an inspection at that time?

I love the og xbox and I’m sure there are a bunch of fantastic games but I just end up playing Test Drive: Eve of Destruction over and over. Bombing around dirt tracks in ratty muscle cars is about the best thing ever.

in CA with the decorative plates you have the option of choosing the lettering, which I could see your argument there. but you can also go with the sequential numbering where you’re not preventing anyone from anything special. but that’s still an extra yearly fee. i think having it customized is an additional yearly

I’d probably spring for that one but it’s like $50 every year on top of regular fees. I can see an initial fee for creation/special handling or whatever but once it’s installed there’s zero reason it should cost anything different than a standard plate. which are awful btw, I don’t need a fucking url on my license

Tony Soprano did die at the end of the show.

who is responsible for the house? neither this article or the last one I remember ever made it clear who had made the arrangements for the team and is responsible for the property.

I’m not gonna post a link because fuck them, but here’s one of theirs:

this one I believe, because that place has had craigslist ads up for a couple of months with a bunch of ridiculous titles. everything is well over ebay prices from what their listing photos show, which is especially aggravating with the name “bargain hunters.”

that controller was awful. the 6 button layout curves opposite the natural range of your thumb. I have a vague memory of everything else about it being “difficult” as well.