Frank W. Doom

if the family is on the street in a situation that is unavoidable for the car, then yes it’s their fault. these cars will be exceptional at avoiding accidents. if that’s not an option, then whoever created that situation is at fault.

The car is in service of the rider/s, and should always favor those individuals. If a situation is bad enough for the car to decide who has to die, somebody fucked up and it’s no fault of the rider.

Roadhog v Roadhog is best played over the Well. Ramps things up when either of you can be one shotted by a well thrown hook.

They have to have one foot on the ground at all times.
source: malcolm in the middle

Zipper merge is the correct way to do it. Whatever that header image is doing is not a zipper merge. When you’re closing up a jacket you don’t just jam the two sides together and hope for the best. A proper zipper merge in that situation is to use all the road available in both lanes until they come together, where

irrational corvette fans

It’s working against them right now as I have a PS4 but I’m considering picking up an XB1, with my primary reasons being Rocket League play with a friend on that side and backwards compatibility for some last gen releases. If end up going that route it’s going to be less money earmarked for Sony products. Knocking

dude wtf this is not what I need to see on jalopnik first thing.

Touchpad: that’ll be fantastic when it’s January and -15 outside

As long as you don’t get rid of your current vehicle in the process. You might need it to get home from purchasing said Jaguar.

Should be hinged in the middle.

Yet those places in the US with no inspections continue to exist without all road going citizens being killed by swarms of non-inspected cars.

I look at them like art project/concept pieces- like what would this japan only game have looked like if it had been released in the usa. There are also cases where someone has a new mod or translation and only releases it on a cart, so it’s not otherwise available. And then like you mentioned, flashcarts aren’t 100%

It’s been 3 minutes, I think we can safely say he’s dead.

He’s pretty clearly demonstrated he has been and will continue to be a danger to everyone around him.

I was hoping to see the van absentmindedly miss and roll into the concrete pillar after watching the truck nail that turn.

I don’t think “boom” is the term you want to use in conjunction with CNG.

Banks are competition for those financing deals they lust after.

I literally recoiled in horror when I scrolled past this.