Frank W. Doom

Well, not me. Someone with money, perhaps.

Now playing

should have posted the version where they edited Ant-Man in:

It’s a Camaro, where else will they fit?

Will insurance pay out for dropping your truck through the ice?

That is somehow simultaneously better and worse than a stock Malibu.

Have states been upping the requirements for kids to get licenses? I got my restricted permit at 14 and a full unrestricted license at 16. I’m pretty sure my home state did some fiddling with the laws after that, but I don’t know what exactly.

Now playing

This is all I can think of. I expect this all to work roughly as well.

Everything in this photo looks like the knockoff media players you find in arcade “skill” games.

For anyone wondering, this whole contraption is a light gun. Yelling into the mic is the trigger.

My mom drove one of these. My dad clipped a cow on the highway one night and put it in a corn field. The steering wheel broke off.

Throwing it in the fireplace seems like a better investment.

I fully support this.