
They should ban these things in national forests. Isn’t bad enough that we have taken over most animals natural habitat? Now we have to harass them?

I updated my Surface Pro 3. It was probably the easiest upgrade, of three, that I did. Expect about an hour or two to get it the way you’d like. Luckily all of the programs worked right away.

I think the study was just based on cooling and heating models. If the overall climate of the southwest comes to the northeast, people are in trouble.

Yep, there isn’t anything redeeming in Oklahoma. Hopefully this is the only thing that NYC will get comparred to.

Climate change is a tangible issue. Regardless, if you don’t want to believe that, it doesn’t matter. Cleaner engery mandates don’t need to be a fight between people that believe in global warming versus people that don’t. Finding better/cleaner sources of energy are opportunities in themselves.

I went to Philly for the first time last weekend. To the most part, everyone is really nice.

I see this worm as pretty edge case for the possibility of someone getting infected. However, you are right. More and more viruses will be tailored to OSX as adoption continues to grow.

They are working on Windows 10 to XBOX. There was an article posted on this a couple days ago. No timeline yet since they have to get the keyboard and mouse piece in first.

What? Sonicwall Global VPN client doesn’t work? That’s not good. My laptop is upgrading as we speak.

I think touchscreen is worth it.

Better security alone is reason enough to run Windows 10. There are tons of other features that make it worth moving over from Windows 7. Even from a business perspective.

I think this would be for small offices or home offices. I’ve got something like this for backups at a small business I occasionally work for.

Growing up as a kid, I’ve always loved this jet (along with the A-10). They need to bring it back.

However, the difference is that it isn’t illegal to cheat. Hacking in to someone else’s property (in this case the corporation), extortion, and so on is a crime.

You make a good point. However, unless the Flacon has cloaking ability, it doesn’t have a chance of sneaking up on the Enterprise. Plus like AgeEighty said, the Enterprise’s hull is pretty tough to beat. A hit or two with a phaser from the Enterprise would be leathal.

People complain too much. There were a few deals out there worth getting.

What would keep me from seeing it is both Kristen Wig and Melissa McCarthy. With that said, I’ll have to wait for the review on this.

Well, he should sue the parents. There is precendance for this.

The author takes a mostly opinionated side on the matter. It’s probably wrong though.

Lol! I think you win the post of the day.