
Please don’t say BOLOCO or Purple Cactus. Those places suck.

I agree. I wasn’t ready for another Spiderman series either.

Actually, I find it kind of ugly.

It was less than a 30 minute show. What do you expect? They had to catch everyone up before they can truly drive in to the season. Give the show a break. It was only the first showing of the season.

The show is great. Definitely watch it

Yeah right. If it happened to us, I'm sure the odds are there it will happen to some other species in time.

No not really true. The iPad had value as an e-reader with internet functionality. Being in the developer community, the idea of being able to lug all your reference books around on a single device was compelling.

That would be an amazing feat if our species can make it even 10 million years.

I hope that this thing takes off.

Man, I used to love going through these catalogs when I was a kid.

This looks terrible. So cutting the cord from your current cable operator means that you'll be paying a minimum of $50. That's more than I paid with my last bundled package. To me, this looks like nothing more than another cable operator.

That's an interesting article. I could agree with that.

It sucks that it smells like a scam. Even if the creators have the best intentions, getting the money to do this sort of thing would be tough. Getting a media outlet to front the money for the rights of the show is even tougher. Then there's the difficulty of being able to house a small group of people on Mars

This powered stuff won't have a lot of effect on beer, wine, or alcohol sales. Perhaps with the young kids. However, as people mature tastes usually mature as well. If I had a choice between a nice Belgium beer or this crap, I'd choose the Belgium beer.

Sony's security is terrible. The PS3 hack that happened a couple years ago uncovered things unheard of... like sending credentials unencrypted.