
The clip does not claim he has no thumbs, and he clearly does have thumbs.

Every single time io9 reports on a comic, it slows down or crashes their servers. Every single time. So really it is the responsibility of the io9 author to warn the comic peeps they are publishing. Really, make this a rule people.

I have a phone job and our crappy phones do this to me all the time. It takes a little concentration, but I can talk normally when it happens. So protesters could easily keep protesting, particularly if they have a set phrase or speech they want to get out.

Exactly! Get Smart FTW

Crazy activity, but cool. Helmets are needed, but I can understand why some chose not to wear one. But BAREFOOT? That is just wrong on every level.

What are you, stupid? (lol, I love starting a reply with that, warranted or not) The real problem is the liability and the very real chance that a school cannot successfully police children that are allowed to have peanuts at home. If he could die from a speck of the stuff, why is it suddenly the school's responsibly

You seem to think it is mean of the school to refuse to go peanut free, as if it is so easy to go peanut free. The school not only has to deny kids deliciousness, they also have to police them, making sure they do not bring in the yummy yummy poison. This makes the school liable in case of the fairly likely chance

That is like saying that once someone has painted the Paris skyline really well, there is no need for anyone else to paint it again. This is entertainment, as long as it is done well this time, who cares what has come before?

Final-freaking-ly! This idea has been asked for since just after the advent of ebooks. I would love to have my books on multiple formats, physical and digital.

Desert Island material, super awesome stuff. But why is it only three months? Why not indefinite as long as it has enough sun?

Awesome, I played all the way through the web game, now I will have to pick it up for my phone. People rag on kickstarter, but without it we could not have the old school awesomeness of killing zombies with text.

Honestly I think they did really good, I think people forget how different things were 100 years ago. To say that everyone would have a car instead of a horse would be like saying that in a 100 years everyone will have their own private plane, possible, but a stretch.

Why do we have these stupid legal battles? Why not just start an initiative to get all toys and dolls in the same tax bracket? There is no good reason that a doll would be more taxed than a rubix cube.

Why oh why would a month have 30 days? Why not 28 days? A four week month would end up with a perfect month 13 calendar, each one exactly 28 days. It would just make so much sense. The extra month would be Smarch.

So if I understand this right, this guy spent more than a new car to have a cool sword on a game that just might suck? That is insane. Not just people do crazy things insane, but funny farm insane.

I am making an early prediction that the Fire will be the ultimate winner. If I am right, I expect to be showered with gifts and prizes.

Is that really what we are talking about here? Is confusion the only reason people have trademarks? What about search placement and other effects of having two things out there with the same unusual name?

That is true! People are always ignoring the true threat of Venus and focusing on the minor annoyance of Mars. It is a conspiracy I tell you! We must have Venusian spies infiltrating our media!

I kind of disagree with the writer here, Transformer Prime is a long, unique name with a well established pattern of use by the trademark holder. If that does not protect Hasbro from trademark infringement, what would?

This does sound like an awesome sci fi story, robots making scarily correct assumptions from what they can see, then crazily incorrect ones.