
neither, piss evaporates instantly, there is no pressure to keep it liquid.

Holy cow that is sensitive, after all the moon only has the power to physically move whole oceans on a regular basis.

The great thing about this idea is that even if it turns out that the effect has minimal force, it will still be useful in space, ie keeping satellites in stable orbit.

I don't think I will try it, I am sure it is fine, but I just don't trust Yahoo to support the browser long enough to make it worth while to change browsers.

I can totally do that, I just don't feel like it right now. Maybe this afternoon.

I, for one, approve.

You say that like it isn't true...

I don't understand... this is a well established fact, not just that black holes get bigger with more mass, but that they have already done similar research decades ago.

Replying to point out buckypaper has no known method of production, and has the huge hurdle of buckytubes being a known carcinogen.

Don't take my word for it, do your own research, vasectomies shouldn't affect hormone levels and make you crazy, but they do for a small percentage.

That is not what I would worry about, I would worry about your testosterone levels changing. All sorts of medical problems, and a documented higher rate of mental illness. Although that last one may be correlation not causation, because you have to be nuts to let someone cut you down there.

I have always wondered why they call it climate change. The climate has always changed, we have had ice ages and warmer ages. They need a name that says the weather will get hot enough so we will all die, something catchy. Not that I care what you name it, nothing will happen while I am alive.

This makes me so sad because I actually like the book for Battlefield Earth. Oh sure the movie is craptastic, but I hate that the book is terrible by association.

Wow, that was much much better than the OK Go video. I got bored and did not finish the Ok Go one, but this one was interesting and fun the whole way through.

This looks good, I think I will go see it. But I admit that I did not like the original very much, so I think it really deserves a remake. That is really the only good time to do a remake, when the source material is good but the first movie was not that good.

I would guess that crazy fans would be the only market for these books at this point. If you have not read the books by now, you are not going to. And only a superfan would pay that much to get an electronic copy of something they have already read.

I would order just to see the copter come flying at me with food. Imagine on a date in the park, deciding right Jere is a good place for a picnik and have the fresh tacos come flying at you, your date none the wiser till the food is delivered in spectacular fashion.

Shows how much you know! We all know it is the quality of the tools that make a great artist, not his skill.

Awesome, thanks. I always forget about baen, but they seem to be the best bet in sci fi these days.

So no ebook option? Seriously? Come ON!