I’d give anything, everything. to have a romantic partner who feels that way about me. I’ve never made it past three dates, so the idea that one person could see me and *KNOW* she wants to marry me, it just beyond conception.
I’d give anything, everything. to have a romantic partner who feels that way about me. I’ve never made it past three dates, so the idea that one person could see me and *KNOW* she wants to marry me, it just beyond conception.
I can’t figure out if he’s totally oblivious to his administration swirling the drain, or if he realizes he’s in some serious trouble?
He’s still waiting for his Netscape browser to load...
The biggest crime of all is that Pence used an AOL email account after the turn of the century. Did he also use Geocities to build Indiana.gov?
Fuck all these fucking fuckers.
It not only exists, I found out recently my aunt & uncle, who are in their mid-60s, pay them $60 EVERY MONTH for email and web portal. Yes, they do pay for wifi at home and have no need to be paying a ridiculous amount to AOL. AOL is, apparently, coasting on the tech naivete of Boomers.
Fuck Melania Trump. Seriously, fuck her and her vacuous existence.
Breaking News:
Nah, fuck her. She helped 45 spread that birther bullshit. I know people feel sorry for her because they think she didn’t sign up for this gig but she supported that asshole through the entire campaign and defended him after the sexual assault allegations came out. She’s a willing partner in all this, and she gets to…
Tangentially related, Tom Price’s seat in Georgia’s 6th district is up for grabs and I’m doing my best to help Jon Ossoff win. He has the endorsement of living legend John Lewis, and actually has a chance to flip the district.
my barf for the day includes
It’s actually a terrible book to read to sick kids. It’s a book you give to people transitioning in life (graduating, etc.) because it speaks of all the wonderful choices you have and where you’ll go. Those THREE sick kids (including one too young to understand you) don’t have much choice in their lives due to their…
Can’t watch the vid—does she really read a Dr. Seuss book to children and NOT SHARE THE FUCKING PICTURES?! Because if true, she should recuse herself immediately from any future child-reading photo-ops.
Yep, cause a wildly rising stock market has never led to a problem.
Oh, and it is likely that the majority of jobs gained will not be those with a living wage, good benefits and a pension. Because there will be no laws or regulations in place about minimum wage or employee protections.
It’s OK, the dumpster fire is now presidential..
I’ve said it before and I will say it again. The stock market rise is tied to the confidence people have that Trump will completely unleash businesses to do whatever they want. He is going to deregulate and let “the market” decide. Those irritating laws around financial instruments - gone! Environment issues -…
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