Betty Loren-Maltese

I like that analogy better - if there were not millions of us sitting outside the pot for decades, screaming about the pot before any of this shit went down.

Yup. And I’m trying to not be a dick about it real life. But I’m firm, like with a parent with someone else’s shitty kid. They don’t get a pass. They need to start helping to fix this shit instead of acting like they all of a sudden aren’t interested in politcs. This isn’t politics, motherfucker, it’s governing. And

I am having this conversation in several places.

They know a reckoning is coming and they have some to shit to answer for, so do Trump voters and the ENTIRE GOP machine except for maybe Evan McMullan. At present, I’m just glad they’re finally doing their fucking jobs. Journalism took a nasty, self-inflicted hit on 9/11/01. Maybe it’s finally found some life.

Of all the terrible things Trump is trying to do, the thing I find the most pressing to stop is his energetic sustained attempt to destroy the free press. God only knows what he’ll do if he manages to fuck up the press and nobody can see what he’s doing. I’m curious to know if this is something people here have been

We may well be in the midst of a slow-motion coup. If you were going to try to undermine democracy in this country, you would probably start by attacking the judiciary, the free press, the intelligence agencies, and the voting system. If you can succeed in undermining public confidence in those institutions and

They also complained about Obama’s EO’s (fewest on average per year for any president of the last 60 years), saying it was too many, meanwhile Trump has issued EO’s almost every day in the last three weeks, like it’s the only thing the president does, despite the fact his party has both the House and the Senate. It’s


This guy has multiple scandals behind him that would normally take someone completely out of the running for a cabinet position. I didn’t even realize this was the same guy who, as Oklahoma AG, was involved in the botched execution there until I saw it on Maddow last night; for entirely political reasons, he pushed

Nixon was smart. Trump isn’t.

“We, the taxpayers, had the distinct honor of paying $10 million this month in travel expenses so Donald Trump could sleep in his big boy Florida bed for three weeks in a row. For contrast, Obama only racked up $97 million over eight years. Sad! “

The ones that are still rabidly supporting him are pathetic and small-minded and they will be there until the bitter end praising the Dick Traitor. There are others who are quietly backing away and hoping that no one remembers their #MAGA hashtags, tacky shirts and the bullshit they were shouting.

Mark “Appalachian Trail” Sanford is the one Republican congressman to stand up to Trump? We are living in the goddamn Twilight Zone.

GUYS - The story isn’t that Pruitt was confirmed. The story is that Pruitt was confirmed days before there’s going to be a 3000 email dump of his departments communications with Big Oil. He was been withholding public requests for documents illegally for years. A judge demanded he release them and the fucking congress

White House junior staffers rn

“He is so overconfident and yet so logically unconvincing that my interpreter friends and I often joke that if we translated his words as they are, we would end up making ourselves sound stupid.”

Not to mention that White House staff are using end-to-end encryption apps to communicate. This is enabling both leaks and secrecy that potentially violate the Federal Records Act.

He’s not allowed to delete this shit. Obama didn’t delete a single tweet, they’re historical records. Also saying that made me throw up.

Chuck Todd had this to say on Meet The Press Daily “I don’t believe any American is the enemy of anther American” HACK TODD, ARE YOU FUCKING SEDATED RIGHT NOW? Did you miss the “lock her up” “trump that bitch” calls from the unwashed masses? Certain factions are cheering for undocumented people to be rounded up like