“CEO” is a term for someone who is paid more money than you because they are able to project a large degree of…
“CEO” is a term for someone who is paid more money than you because they are able to project a large degree of…
My thought regarding this is that it’s high time these people should be called out for their treasonous actions by refusing to investigate and doing anything that resembles transparency. If they’re good at dishing out the bullshit arguments of being un-american and doing seventy seven hundred investigations into…
The same kinds of leaks that they exploited and encouraged during the campaign! I suppose that makes him smart hypocritical.
I have him lasting well over two months but an almost zero chance of seeing out four years. We keep raging at what this presidency is doing to us and the country, but look at what it’s doing to Trump himself. It’s killing him. That’s about the only silver lining right now.
Every single Republican, and I am not just talking politicians, but regular people too, who doesn’t, at the very least, back away slowly from this lunatic, is a traitor to this country. That sounds like hyperbole, I know, but it isn’t.
That ending quote is such a dagger.
“I’m not mad, I’m actually laughing because this is so funny.”
Leaks are Real... but the news is fake.
I’m telling you you are dishonest people.
Trump is making magazines great again.
A Myrtle Beach man was arrested by the FBI yesterday for planning a “Dylann Roof-style” attack on a synagogue. Today, a building in Miami housing an Israeli consulate was evacuated after threats were made. And neo-Nazis pamphleted a Baltimore suburb with antisemitic flyers.
I googled. It’s real. Love it.
Instead, the press conference devolved into an excruciating circus of score settling, lying, and theatrics.
I don’t mind bad stories. I can handle a bad story better than anybody as long as it’s true and, you know, over a course of time, I’ll make mistakes and you’ll write badly and I’m OK with that.
“King of Totally Natural Hair, Possessor of Incredibly Large Hands”
This man is legit insane. He makes Nixon’s paranoia look quaint.
I was in the car flipping channels and caught that exact section. I felt ill. It’s madness.
‘King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Mr. Manager’
I’ll just leave this right here, emphasis mine