Betty Loren-Maltese

Fuck Susan Sarandon. When she was saying Trump would be better than Clinton (because at the time that was the choice) she advocated that with Trump there might be a revolution. Fuck your spoiled, privileged, white lady life. Bitch doesn’t know the first thing about revolution. People fucking die in revolutions.

Tl;dr: we don’t care who she fucks, as long as she FUCKS OFF.

Here’s some perspective on Susan Sarandon’s recent tweets regarding her sexuality:

Yeah where is my iPhone news. Fuck that fascist guy ruining our country that’s possible compromised by Russian intelligence. Cover Ouya again!

I hate Paul Ryan with a fiery passion, but I’ll take him as President over Trump in a heartbeat, no questions asked, and I’d expect him to just be another George W. Bush with conventionally crappy and offensively bigoted right-wing policy initiatives. We can survive that for four years, though. It’ll be awful, but it

A semantic criticism: This IS a political action, but it is NOT a partisan one.

I love how all the Trump supporters in the comments who are ‘appalled’ at Gizmodo expressing something vaguely akin to a political bias (gasp!) can’t recognize that Donald Trump is, at this point, far beyond the traditional left / right divide in Washington discourse.

So like Breitbart and Fox News?

Breitbart didn’t need sources. He just made shit up. Then God killed him, proving that using sources is the better way to go.

Because Obama was not a Russian mole.

“I’m as anti-Trump as can be, but let’s just let him fuck everything up without questioning any of it for the next four years.”

Hahaha. And with that comment you’ve single-handedly proven the widely held belief that Trump supporters are hysterical drama queens with below average intelligence.

Just where is “here” this is not coming from Gizmodo, but from Special Projects Desk

There’s no safe spaces anymore snowflake.

“No more journalism here, just pure politics.”

You changed my mind. Trump is not fucked up, is he?

Hmm... what do you think journalism is good for, if not to cover politics?

My parents watched it. They said “Wow, it was really good, but it was really hard to watch.”