I want to star this a million times. I'm a shorty and by the time I find a button up big enough to fit the girls the sleeves are down to my knees!
She totally looked like a Shar-Pei!
Thank you! She seems to be doing better. Still sqollen but happily snoozing on the couch. She is only 5 months old but took it really well.
I just can't stop myself! Bed is sooo comfy.
Holy shit. I think you have just solved my neck/shoulder pain!
What do you all think about the name Justice? Mr. and I were trying to come up with cool j names for our future tiny humans. It is hard!
I'm very sorry. My grandpa passed 3 months ago and it still hits me hard sometimes. Just take some time to grieve however you need to.
Is it bad that this picture makes me feel better about my nips? Like...maybe I have seen too many tiny nipped chicks in porn? Nipple Equality!!!
Mmmm...i made acorn squash soup for the first time last week and it was so delish. I think pretty similar to pumpkin soup. Though, I spiced it with thyme, rosemary, and clove then topped with bacon.
I need to block Jezebel, Lifehacker, and Petfinder.com, lol.
You only encounter thpse kind of people in the outside would if that behaviour is accepted by those in charge. Say something :-)
If people are passing out and/or vomiting you are doing it wrong.
I think I'm going to have to go the time route and set a minimum number of hours that I need to work on research per week. Maybe I will have to reward myself for meeting my goals. Thanks for your advice!
I think this is something that should be brought to the instructor first. If it is not resolved/improved then up would bring it up to your department or the graduate program. I say this because there is likely a policy on conduct in place that is not getting enforced during your online and face to face meetings.
If they are also drinking heavily you know it's true love.
I went from living in a place with a large selection of middle eastern food to none. The thing is, I require shawarma, falafel, and garlic sauce (toum) to survive. I have not mastered the crock-pot shawarma but we are getting close and my garlic sauce is improving.
I'm in a research rut guys...I feel like I should be working on it all the time. But instead I grade papers, or write papers, create assignments, maybe do some shit around the house. I work from home so the elephant in the room (research) constantly haunting me and I am constantly ignoring it.