Sounds efficient :)
What is up with the fugly sandals everyone is wearing?
I was working late a few years ago when that "uh oh" feeling hit me. I sprinted to the nearby bathroom, ripped my pants down to my ancles, and let loose. While it was a great relief to get that hell shit out of me, midway I was overcome by the smell. Now there are no waste baskets in the stall to vomit in. So I…
Now I want to know what those guys were doing in the bathroom.
Thank you for the link. That was quite the eye opening story.
I live in a university town in the mid-west and the closest planned parenthood is 4 hours away. Luckily I have an IUD but you are supposed to get them checked every now and then. Oh, well.
For the record I frequently pee with the door open when my bf in home. Maybe I'm just gross?
Thank you.
I once had to write an essay about my hero. I could have written about any number of inspirational people. But, I wrote about my grandpa because he was the best person I knew. I should have told him that.
"Maybe corporations are classified as super-people because they're something men can give birth to."
Howie ruins everything.
I would be bringing taco 12-packs to every potluck for the rest of my life. I'm a cheap mother fucker like that.
Were your cupcake stealing antics perhaps the cause of the cupcake tower collapse? I hope your pregnant friend doesn't read this article and subsequently end the friendship. I hear there are a lot of cupcake/cake/cookie consuming opportunities at children's birthday parties.
My first semester as a TA I encountered a situation which flustered me on so many levels. It was the second week of the course and I had a male student come up to me towards the end of class and indicate that he had a question of a personal nature. I asked if he wanted to talk in the hall. He said no, but that the…
She sounds amazing!
I feel like I shouldn't laugh at this. But, I definitely did.
I'm glad I dont have any social media accounts so I cannot be challenged. If I had any money to donate I would be happy to but I certainly dont want to be pressured into it.
They look a bit like brother and sister and the kiss is really icking me out.
the actual worst.