chode. Hehehe
Julia Louis Dreydus is great but I was rooting for Amy Pohler.
You are right. I have seen KewlBeaans in the black on this thread.
That is a good idea. I guess I just haven't yet found a picture that feels "right." But, maybe I just need to suck it up and pick something.
This is not your last chance. Just something to give you a taste of what could be. I know our is hard to be lonely but take care of yourself and you will find either a way to make it work or another person who is ultimately better for you.
fuck him. You deserve better than that douchenozzel.
thank you. Thank you.
I dont know this for sure but I have not seen her!
This makes me feel stalkerish also but I would also like to see LaComtess, kewlbeans2, and cassiebearrawr ungreyed. I definitely enjoy the commentaries just as much as the articles.
What are you all eating tonight? Mr. Sanguine and I amde sjrimp skewers, crab stuffed portabellas and pork chops on the grill. We also had a nice pile of green beans from our giant green bean plant but they didnt turn out as well as everything else.
I'm ashamed to say I would eat the everloving shit outta these.
Grad school is temporary and foes by quickly. It can definitely suck at times but if it will lead to more satisfaction in the future I would say its worth it. At least thats what I have been telling myself.
would do x 1000
I believe that was movie 43.
I am pumped that FriendZone is back. It has been a while, or am I just unobservant?
ugh, my bff is like this. She will actually find her next boyfriend before breaking up with the current. This has been a pattern in our 15yr friendship and it drives me crazy. I love her to dealth because she is awesome and would like to see her happy with herself, by herself. Not to mention I feel for the dudes…
I feel as though the 'up' in slutting it up implies a more positive action than whoring around.
over, and over, and over. But we are not psychopaths like this dude.
It's good to know there are other noassatall sufferers out there. Though, the butt bow does not look particularly comfortable to sit on.