

Donald Trump was mostly remembered as a kitschy, grimy relic of the dullest part of the 80s until The Apprentice aired.

Maybe it was part of a weird plea deal.

I don’t really understand why studios keep trying to adapt videogame franchises but decide to completely change up the story and characters.

reminds me of a quote about how people have no issues with green or grey and of course, white, but will have complete meltdowns over the inclusion of black people in their fantasy story.

“Even when its fake, we want it white.”

It really is. The Apple Reality Distortion Field is in full force regarding these things.

You know how in the early days of spaceflight, NASA was worried about “space madness”? This is what they were talking about. 

I’m surprised Kinja didn’t list the products as a slideshow.

Why not include the list of products in the article? Here they are:

Is the problem is only “aerosol spray deodorants and antiperspirants,” maybe don’t use a header image that’s exclusively the rub-on stick kind.

The Desolation of Ringo

Below is a picture to show how bad it was:

Cool fighting, sterile environments, none of the weapons in that image (which was the box cover) were in the game. A good idea, executed well enough to be enjoyable but not classic.

Did they stone him to death on the Sabbath?  Isnt that contradictory? 

Popeye’s chicken sandwich is better

Deja Ouya

I do not understand how car companies spend billions of dollars and man hours on research and development of their product, yet they allow the customer experience at the point of sale to be such a shit show.