The ice cream plot thickens!
The ice cream plot thickens!
And the original home show, This Old House.
American Fight Pickers, amirite?
The problem is that most of us see crypto in all forms for the shady shit it is.
I feel like the tone of this review seems to warrant a lower score than B-
I miss that look but I see why it’s not practical. Even a cheap off-brand wooden barrel is going to cost a hobo more than a set of clothes.
Talk about failing upward.”
“...[McCain] even turned down a contributor role at ABC News...”
Hi Meghan!
The nice thing about Netflix’s all-at-once release model is that, if you’re not into a show, don’t worry, the conversation about it will end in about a week and a half.
If you keep clicking on links and replying to the posts, they will for sure change everything. Great plan.
To the tune of the SEGA chant: “GET FUUUUCKED”
How did everyone’s mind not go right here. It’s even the LAPD... again
To me BOTW is like EVE online. I didnt and dont like playing it but I enjoy the stories that come out of it.
To be fair I think the riders were equally at fault. They were riding far too close to each other to be able to stop safely in the event of an accident, were taking up both lanes of the road (poor driving etiquette) and had their bikes been equipped with a bell, they’d have been able to warn the lady of their…
“Late” is an adjective though.
As much as seeing Batman with a gun bugs me, Superman running around with a sniper rifle is even worse. Fortnite has its own weird style and I would rather see them just put in cool unique skins rather then keep licensing with everyone and anyone. I figure we are about two seasons away from the Burger King and…
Now, if there was a two-door, full sized bed version, it would have been perfect.
If trump put his pants on backwards the extra fabric needed to cover his ass would look like he’s wearing parachute pants.