
high prices for a campus parking permit

This is why I don’t like carpooling.

Pillow guy sort of looks like Uncle Jack

It’s the MultiMacGyverse.

Kinda the opposite of what they did with Shelob in Shadow of War.


Yeah, that is some bullshit.

1st: This is Jalopnik, no one here buys new cars. 

The link is right there.

Re: the connected tweet: Pretty sure Kanye didn’t leave Kim, but the inverse. 

This is why the video evidence of my assorted crimes won’t hit YouTube until after I’m dead.

Kotaku doesn’t owe anything to SE or MS. Their obligation (if you can call it that) is to their readers.

Why would you buy the game if you have gamepass? If they take it off a year from now you can buy it then at a fraction of the price and keep playing. Square Enix is obviously is happy with the size of whatever check MS wrote so it’s not like anyone is getting screwed over.

CIG is saddened to hear these allegations from the anonymous sources

Yeah... it would be a real shame if Star Citizen’s release were delayed by a week.

I was hoping that booze plus ice cream would make me look like this.

Not mentioned in this recap, but Harry also mentioned that their leaving their roles didn’t blindside anyone and Meghan said that despite the toll it was taking on her that she was prepared to stick it out.