
I’m a conflicted over this. I got the full $1,200 as did my wife and eldest daughter, and my youngest daughter got $500. The thing is, wife and I make good money and daughters are attending school on scholarships and grants. None of us has lost a dime.

That is a remarkably stupid idea.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

What the fuck did I just read?

They clearly didn’t choose the AM General because they were worried it had too much baggage. I mean, look at that face - this thing has seen some shit

Luckily there are many speedrun categories, and quite a few that put emphasis on playing the game as intended (AKA: “no glitch” runs).

“Nowhere in the rules does it specifically say that a dog can’t play basketball.”

Yeah, I’d watch a five minute youtube clip about it, but I don’t think there’s 85 minutes of content.

When this comes out in theaters, I’ll either see it at AMC Carpet Wholesalers or Arclight Metal and Welding Supply.

69, dudes!



Yes, but there was that first heist in which the loot was NOT recovered. So they still have a bunch somewhere.

There needs to be an article with the headline, “Why Reading About EVE Online Is Better Than Actually Playing EVE Online”

Deus Ex: Human Revolution does something similar in its very first mission: if you stop and loot your HQ tower first before going on the mission or otherwise faff around, the first mission becomes a lot harder because the enemy have had more time to prepare for you than if you just rush to the chopper and go straight

I did wonder if that was their original plan. The 2013 CP77 trailer had your character as someone who’d gone full cyberpsychosis, but MaxTac had taken them down and then recruited them into the organisation, which would be a perfect way of sending you out on discrete missions.

i LOVED Case Zero. I’m a slut for all things Dead Rising though. Even liked the movies. I wish we had more Case Zero type games/Proof of Concept. Also, I’m still waiting for them to actually deliver the same feel of open world in a large small town. DR3 and 4 went larger scale, but still somehow felt as closed off as