
Mr. Spock: A Vulcan would face such a loss without tears.
Young Spock: How?

By "fruit juice" you mean "flavored corn syrup," right? Even as a kid, those things were sickly sweet.

Expensive to manufacture - like a few bucks a pop. Yes, much more than discs, but still, it's not like these cartridges cost $20 apiece.

I actually agree with you - I don't like the Marvel brand alone will save it on ABC. The only thing I took issue with is you saying SHIELD only made it past the first season because it was a Marvel show. That's not true - any show pulling those ratings would've been renewed.

This episode makes you think the show is too cartoony? Not the many previous episodes where Root killed 30 people without even looking?

This show is expensive. I wouldn't count on Netflix saving it.

Your dick is made out of dirt?

Alien Jesus, those are much larger than C.

I'd say that Sweet Charity is Fosse's satire on the way the counterculture movement was viewed. At the time of its release, it apparently seemed very dated, but from this vantage point, we can see that Fosse wasn't trying to realistically depict that time period at all.

I loved Crumb's Genesis, and I've book googling to find the interview in which Crumb said it was a mistake. I can't find it.

Ars gratia artis is a political position, though. Says the guy three days late to the party.

I'm a little biased, my friend edited this and as someone in the theater community I know a few of these people, but I thought it was amusing.

I never knew I wanted a Laurel/Bonnie love scene until I read this review.

Ellen, I gave up after the first few episodes, and watched the first season finale after my mom told me how good it was. I watched a few other S1 eps, but I think you'll probably get the gist going from the first season finale onwards. It gets really good in S2.

Me! Yay, Manhattan reviews!

Somehow I got involved in comments on an article about a German white woman cosplaying as Michonne and now all of my notifications are by racists arguing with me. :(

To be fair, at Michigan State, the college radio station was played everywhere on campus. (Although I doubt many people were paying attention to it.)

Gosh, I thought the second season was significantly stronger than the first. It is a case of diminishing returns now, of course, but it happens to every show.

I don't even remember Nathan and Mimsy, quite honestly, but I do remember Wacky Races, and anything that makes fun of Uber immediately scores points in my book. I laughed a lot at this episode - honestly, it wasn't up to the heights of last week's ep, but I thought it came pretty close.