
Meatloaf is a trained singer.

It just sounds overproduced and not live, which is what Glee always sounded like. Say what you will about the NBC musicals and Grease, but none of them sounded as canned as this does.

I've never seen someone rate S5 as highly as you do.

I prefer to get my info from AV Club comments.

Great piece, but Bocho clearly doesn't understand Broadway musicals at all if he thinks songs arise organically in Glee but they don't on Broadway.

Remember when we still had good gimmick accounts?

The ads remind me of the subways ads for that stupid "zombie virus in Antarctica" show on SyFy a few years back. It was so gloriously stupid. The name is escaping me at the moment.

I came home to my apartment having been broken into and my computers stolen. I didn't want to call 911 because I was always taught it was only for emergencies, and this obviously happened several hours ago. So I looked up the local precinct number, talked to whoever picked up the phone, and they told me to call 911.

The only time I could do this was when Virgin Megastore was still open. I ended up spending way too much on DVDs there back in the '00s precisely for this reason.

It had a personality back then, at least.

I don't know my grandmother's maiden name, although she probably told me once. It's not the sort of thing that comes up frequently.

I was also a huge fan of it.

Nah, Todd said once upon a time that pageviews and comment count have very little correlation.

Nooooooooooooooooo I'm so sad there's not going to be any more coverage! These days, I always watch Man Seeking Woman before Always Sunny. I love this show, and I hope we can get at least another season, if not many more.

I don't think it's fair to say Giant flopped - it had a limited run at the Public, and it sold very well there (not as well as Hamilton, but very well.) It's a big show, it's an adult show, and as you say, the two-act version could have been probably a little longer.

Has this guy ever seen The Simpsons? Has he ever seen human beings?

And it's now running through all our heads. Thank you.

I totally understand why they aren't using PAD's Supergirl on this show, but as a millenial, Linda Danvers-Matrix IS my Supergirl. I'll keep watching, but man I wish they were using the 90s Supergirl instead of the boring original.

This is legitimately amazing. Can my mom interview Nathan next, please?

Well, she's very curvy. She got the jobs that the "sexy" girls got. A lot of models are not very conventionally attractive.