
Maybe that's it? Cause I'm a singer and I usually date other singers.

Sex with music just does literally nothing for me. Am I alone in this? Of course, in general I only listen to showtunes, and obviously those wouldn't seem to go well with sex (with a few possible exceptions.) But I've tried jazz and stuff like that, and it all just takes me out of the sex and puts me too into the

St. Marks, eh? I'll be down there tonight, maybe I can buy Don Staples' penis.

Knighton is on Weird Loners, coming up in the spring on FOX.


Yeah, I don't think we can really call Weeds a good show with a straight face.

Are virgin jokes a thing? Like blonde jokes? I don't think I've ever heard one.

Yeah, I'm not sure how a show about a character not getting an abortion is anti-choice propaganda. Was Obvious Child pro-abortion propaganda?

I think Jake/Amy being a long-running plot thread is fine, as long as it's backgrounded for the comedy. When episodes are as funny as this, I can't complain.

I think it was pretty clearly implied that she huffed some gas too.

I was like, "Wow, that guys looks an awful lot like John Hodgman."

Oh yeah, I definitely prefer my mishearing of that line.

As I wrote about, I remember Usenet threads back in the 90s devoted to parsing "one chance out" vs "one chants out." Pretty interesting conversations were had.

I remember back before DVDs with subtitles, message boards would be devoted to people discussing the implications of "One chance out" vs "One chants out." Honestly, I like the more subtle "one chance out" myself, and it neatly foreshadows the end of the series, although of course that was unintentional. Although I'm

This episode made me a fan of the show. Very funny and surprisingly moving at the end. Maybe I'm just relating way too much due to my last relationship, but I'm sold. I'll watch as many episodes as they give us. (Right now, I'm just hoping for a full season.)

Yeah, @cinecraft:disqus - relationships seem wonderful until you've been in a few and find out that "love is all we need" is a huge lie.

For me, Mindy saying to Danny, "You can pee on me" made the entire episode.

The episode with the gas station rebates made me laugh harder than anything else has in a long time.

Bresson is one of my favorite filmmakers of all time because I'm a Lutheran.

Aaaaaand…it's gone.