
I think that movie's super underrated. I can watch it any time and I still find it hilarious and terrific.

No, but they made it completely different, with its own strengths and failures.

I would describe him as many things, but not plot-inessential. Take him out of the plot, and the ending of the movie is VERY different (probably not very happy.)

Oops. Thanks for the correction!

We should probably keep in mind that the pre-show reviews of the first season were also almost uniformly negative. There's a chance they pull all of this together and give us the season two we deserve!

I like Holden, but I do think his scenes could've been cut down a little for sure.

Well, he is the one who says "Madness!" at the end, so he's alluded to.

I like The Princess and the Frog, but it has some serious problems on the story level. The whole idea that working hard to achieve a goal is meaningless without a man to love you really rankles me. Frozen is far more feminist than Princess and the Frog is, and without trumpeting it from the rafters.

If you think making over $100 million domestic is bombing terribly, do you think Mulan was a terrible bomb? It only made $15 million more. Lilo and Stitch? Hercules? That actually made less.

Kander and Ebb supplied a similarly strong score for the kind-of underrated Funny Lady - "How Lucky Can You Get" and "Isn't This Better" are fantastic songs, as good as written for any non-Sondheim show in that decade.

I would honestly rather re-watch New York, New York than a number of other Scorsese films.

Some great songs, but never having read the script or seen it, it seems essentially dramatically inert.

I love this show. I didn't realize how much until I saw this episode. It's so fun, and I always get really attached to the normal people. This guy winning $25k AND hugging Rachel Bilson, his lifelong crush, is obviously the best day of his life. Merry Christmas to him!

I probably wouldn't go that far, but I do like it.

In the same comment, he said they like to cover shows that will show up on their "Best of" lists, so that's probably why those two shows continue to be covered. (That was why he said CH would always be covered.)

It's a Wonderful Life is so dark that my ex-girlfriend got mad at me for making her watch it with me, even though she agreed it was a terrific movie afterwards.

Todd said no one reads their AS reviews, except for Venture Brothers. Looking at the comments here, I don't find that hard to believe.

Again, if you don't mind my answering, I think I can take this one.

If you don't mind me butting in, I would say if someone is committing a terrible act while trying to follow the Bible, they are not following it correctly. Jesus says that all of the laws boil down to "Love God, and love your neighbor as yourself." If you follow both of those laws, you shouldn't find yourself being an

Additional historical note - early Christians almost threw out the Old Testament several times. There were many heated debates as to whether the Old Testament should be considered canonically scripture, and it only got included, basically, because all of the prophecies that they thought supported their claim that