
Apparently a bunch of Rule 34 porn is already on Tumblr. I haven't seen it, but I have to imagine it's mostly lesbian incest, cause the internet.

"I don't have a skull… or bones…"

That's one reason I prefer the original cut - the theatrical version is incredibly dumbed down, and the story is very simple in the first place, so it just becomes plodding and mind-numbing. At least the original cut doesn't focus so much on holding the audience's hand.

The problem with the theatrical cut is that every single thing is spelled out and re-hashed in great detail. All of the conversations between Jem and Kira were re-recorded to be about the crystal, the prophecy, etc, when originally these scenes were much less about explaining things to the audience and much more about

Loved this show when I saw it downtown. Will try to see it again before it closes.

Remember last season, where Huck was a tragic figure, and we actually cared about him? It's getting harder and harder for me to remember that every week.

I don't get that. I think the second act of Sunday is life-changingly great.

Sondheim on Sondheim just made me wish I was watching actual productions of those various shows.

Even "It's Hot Up Here"? Well, maybe "and for the hat" can squeeze a tear or two out of me.

Yes, Someone in a Tree would've been wonderful. At one point, I was hoping we might get a sequel, but based on this review, that doesn't sound likely. Too bad. I'll still watch and probably love it, but it does seem like a missed opportunity.

I love the movie, of course, but I think the stage version has some charm that the movie lacks. I'm particularly looking forward to "How Can Love Survive," one of my favorite R&H songs and possibly my favorite from Sound of Music.

I admit I don't know anything about Carrie Underwood, but she started on American Idol, so she must know a thing or two about singing in front of a live TV audience.

Your mom, as a huge SOM fan, should know that in the original Broadway version, Mary Martin belted the songs and the original keys were all lower than the movie.

It's getting better, slowly and surely. Tune in to tonight's episode and see what you think.

Except in Star Trek II, she was only half-Vulcan in scenes that were deleted. So that's how Alley played her. In III, when Curtis took over, Nimoy wanted her to be fully Vulcan. You can see that Alley's Saavik is more openly emotional.

I would go with Faces too, just because I remember how devastated I was after the movie was over.

I'm almost 100% sure they are not doing a west coast version. Logistics wouldn't allow for it.

It definitely won't be a trainwreck, but there always might be a mishap or two. In the original live Cinderella (starring Julie Andrews), there's a moment when the actor playing the Prince trips and catches himself. Just a small thing, but that would never happen if it had been pre-filmed.

Yeah, I'm a pretty big Sound of Music fan, and I will definitely be watching.