
Those are probably my two favorite new sitcoms of the year, quite honestly.

I don't understand this reply but I did laugh. Maybe I should send this comment into Dear Prudence.

Yeah, this is the only Cassavetes movie I've never seen (well, Big Trouble, but that barely counts.) I was very excited when it came out on blu-ray and DVD a year or two ago, but I've been waiting for it to go on sale and it never has, really. I should just suck it up and buy it.

Lauren, I don't often have much to say, but I always, always love reading your comments here. Thank you so much for giving us insight into your thought process and life.

I've seen him on stage many times off-Broadway. Whenever I saw he was in the cast of a show, I knew he would be reliably great, whether in Shakespeare or modern comedy. He will be missed.

They did an Indiana Jones episode which was fun.

If the purpose of this movie was to make me wish I had spent the previous two hours watching Wrath of Khan instead, well done J.J. Abrams.

I don't think any society that could create something like Kristallnacht would view killing Jews as a necessary evil. The thought process probably went a little more like, "Hey, these dirty Jews deserve to be rounded up like animals, since that's what they are anyway."

Well, I'm still watching, although I thought the Cara-centric episode was much stronger overall than last night's, even with Logan.

Hey guys, kind of OT, but what do you think some of the best Jake-centric episodes are? I love this show, obviously, but I always feel like I can't remember some classic episodes. I'm looking to compile a list of episodes to show my roommate to get him into the show, and he already is a big fan of John DiMaggio, so I

I can watch Hard Ticket to Hawaii over and over again.

I can watch Hard Ticket to Hawaii over and over again.

I really enjoyed The Hebrew Hammer!

I really enjoyed The Hebrew Hammer!

I love part of 50 First Dates, but man, would it be a better movie if Rob Schneider weren't in it at all.

I love part of 50 First Dates, but man, would it be a better movie if Rob Schneider weren't in it at all.

@avclub-b991e1dcd51bcef155428c414a0e056b:disqus Except for Punch Drunk Love clearly takes place in a fantasy world. It doesn't take place in the real world.

@avclub-b991e1dcd51bcef155428c414a0e056b:disqus Except for Punch Drunk Love clearly takes place in a fantasy world. It doesn't take place in the real world.

I'm about 30. And I don't disagree with you. But like I said in another comment above, some of my earliest memories are of watching this show with my parents. I still have a lot of nostalgic fondness for the show and can't wait to share it with my kids.

I'm about 30. And I don't disagree with you. But like I said in another comment above, some of my earliest memories are of watching this show with my parents. I still have a lot of nostalgic fondness for the show and can't wait to share it with my kids.