
I am evil Homer
I am evil Homer
I am evil Homer

I am evil Homer
I am evil Homer
I am evil Homer

Ponderosa pine!

Ponderosa pine!

Yay, Leverage coverage (for two episodes, at least!) Did anyone see last week's, which was a Parker solo episode? I thought that one was funny and moving, if a little light on the mystery aspect.

Yay, Leverage coverage (for two episodes, at least!) Did anyone see last week's, which was a Parker solo episode? I thought that one was funny and moving, if a little light on the mystery aspect.

You think Nate and Sophie don't have any romantic chemistry???

You think Nate and Sophie don't have any romantic chemistry???

I know that I am just a subculture to Ryan Murphy, but I would appreciate it if he didn't condescend to me. I mean, just make up a title like Smash did. Actually using a semi-obscure musical's name just makes me think about it and insults my intelligence further.

I know that I am just a subculture to Ryan Murphy, but I would appreciate it if he didn't condescend to me. I mean, just make up a title like Smash did. Actually using a semi-obscure musical's name just makes me think about it and insults my intelligence further.

It's weird you couldn't find a digital copy of the song - the album has been on Spotify for a year, at least.

It's weird you couldn't find a digital copy of the song - the album has been on Spotify for a year, at least.

Ashley Benson is honestly hotter than either Hudgens or Gomez. I watched the whole first season of Pretty Little Liars basically for her and Lucy Hale alone.

Ashley Benson is honestly hotter than either Hudgens or Gomez. I watched the whole first season of Pretty Little Liars basically for her and Lucy Hale alone.

Wow, you guys really missed an opportunity for a Smash notification, since Megan Hilty is performing in A Capitol Fourth.

Wow, you guys really missed an opportunity for a Smash notification, since Megan Hilty is performing in A Capitol Fourth.

I will be enjoying your writeups over the next 13 weeks. However, I will not be watching the show, because I also swore it off after last year, and honestly I have less than no desire to find out what happens to Nancy et al.

I will be enjoying your writeups over the next 13 weeks. However, I will not be watching the show, because I also swore it off after last year, and honestly I have less than no desire to find out what happens to Nancy et al.

The biggest laugh of the night for me was Bart's line, "Without awards show, how would I know what movie has the best beheading or that Glee is a comedy?"

The biggest laugh of the night for me was Bart's line, "Without awards show, how would I know what movie has the best beheading or that Glee is a comedy?"