
I’m talking about interrogations generally, not in the sexual assault context. My whole fucking point was that if you get hauled in for a murder interroagtion, or an assault interrogation, or a major felony investigation, the cops go out of their way to lie to you, to trip you up, and to get you to say shit that

I come to Jalopnik to see cool photos and pictures of automobiles; read interesting and clever articles about automobiles; peruse equal parts snarky, knowledgeable, and funny comments about automobiles; and write my own rarely knowledgeable, occasionally funny, and aspiring-to-be-snarky comments about automobiles. Oh,

You have no clue. And you suggest getting rid all nukes I assume.

Dude, it’s not like Gophers fans have a lot to lose. These actions were reprehensible. They made it to a bullshit bowl game. They’re going to suck hard next year, regardless of suspensions. There is truly something fundamentally wrong with the football program with regards to discipline and culture. And frankly, I’m

“Part of it has to do with different evidentiary standard.”  Key phrase of the entire article. Title IX has much lower requirements than a court of law.  Law is “guilty beyond reasonable doubt” while Title IX is “a preponderance of evidence.”  It allows Universities to respond in many situations where the law is

I respect that you feel that way

Also, it’s super-dickish to act this way to her while she’s with her three small children. She’s flying coach at the holidays with three tiny kids in tow - that’s already more of a punishment than what this guy doled out.

I mean, the dude’s husband is allowed to dislike the Trumps, but questioning why she isn’t flying “private” is both meaningless and dickish.

As a Jew, working on Christmas was awesome.

I enjoy reclining my seat because it pisses off Hamilton Nolan.

Recline away. That bump you feel in the middle of your back? That’s my knees. No, I don’t plan on moving them. Enjoy.

An individual rich person doesn’t necessarily use more infrastructure, and again that depends on how you define infrastructure. Roads and utilities? Then they possibly use more. But are you also including public transportation and public health services? Because those definitely are not. Now if your point was that

The rich already pay a large portion of taxes. Now, if you want to get into whether the tax code is fair or not, I would definitely say it’s not, across the board. I would be much more in favor of a flat tax with tax exemptions for people who are at or slightly above the poverty income level, and no upper cap on taxed

My point was that your combative attitude does your message a disservice.

You’ve been a jerk across this whole thread, even to people asking simple questions. I now plan on donating to the Salvation Army simply to spite you.

Maybe don’t be such a jerk when you’re trying to get a point across.

I have prioritized the LIFE-OR-DEATH well-being of one person over the inconvenience of many others. Yes, it means more to me that the Salvation Army QUITE LITERALLY saved my mother’s life as a young woman (a fact you keep displaying ambivalence towards) than it does that they don’t let their employees conduct same

I’m not going to take lectures on having empathy for others from someone who has, in this very conversation, demonstrated an inability to do it themselves.

For those that might like a Christian perspective on charitable giving but just can’t buy in to the more odious aspects of the Salvation Army, I’d suggest:

When my father was in the Navy in WWII and riding on the train from San Diego to Boston, the train stopped in a small town in update New York at about 1am. The only people there to meet the train was the Salvation Army with free coffee and donuts.
They are there when other groups like the Red Cross aren’t.

The only part that’s trolling is calling it a ‘gift’ - you’re contributing to a charity that you support and making a statement about your opinion; it’s entirely self-serving.

This charity is also a very worthy one that can use the money in countless ways: