
nobody is arguing that

Never in your hand in public, that’s called brandishing and will get you shot. One never cleans their firearm in public, that is also brandishing, and stupid.

Now you’re just flailing

You’re allowed to have a gun but you still need to drop it when officers tell you to.

The investigation and video itself? He was observed rolling marijuana with a gun in his lap. I don’t think marijuana should be a crime, but it is, so he is clearly not “innocent.” The police are justified to approach a man who is rolling a marijuana cigarette in their plain view. In fact, the police specifically

Legally allowed to “hold” a gun? Pray tell where did you read this law? Oh you mean open carry, right? Open carry allows a person to carry a holstered firearm, “holstered” got it? Secondly if this guy had TBI why was he carrying a firearm, let alone an un-holstered one?

Not better, in my opinion. It doesn’t have the same flavor profile that hash from screened kif has. It melts, so it has to be taken off a hot nail or vaped in some way, and it can’t be broken up and rolled into a cigarette. I can appreciate what BHO/shatter/waxes are trying to do — it’s a quest for potency and the

I think that there could be some form of compromise, a la income tax (the more you earn, the more you pay), or a blanket “big corporations have a different minimum wage!” I dunno, I’m not an economist.

If McDonalds could raise the cost of a Big Mac $0.17 with no repercussions, they would have done so already. Why leave money on the table?

I don’t understand why people think there is ample margin in small business to pay a $15 minimum wage.

I don’t understand why people think there is ample margin in small business to pay a $15 minimum wage. Our company has 14 small service stores. Each one costs around $400,000 to open and run to break-even. Our payroll runs at 43% of gross sales once at break-even. Thanks to health care, taxes and fees, processing eats

No. The offset is in the small business. They’re the ones stuck in the middle, not making enough to abuse the tax code the way that larger businesses can but making enough to bear the brunt of that part of the curve that has to eat the wash from their yachts, in terms of taxes.

When reached for comment the NFL had this to say: “Suck it Minnesota taxpayers!”

Voters need to stop allowing Corporate America to rob them at every turn. If a franchise owner is unable to build a stadium with his own money, then tough, they should forfeit the franchise.

Fine, that’s the shade of rose colored glasses you want to view the world through, where you seriously think the Democrats are the noble, generous, thoughtful party... Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, constantly reaching their hand across the aisle, only to have it spat upon by those evil, nasty, greedy selfish

Bullshit, no the Dems have not been fucking doing that, not anywhere close. ESPECIALLY over the last 7 years.

whelp. so be it. i know there are a lot of people that agree with me, more so than hang out in Jalop, where i woudlnt’ expect people to agree. i can’t keep up with the replies so i’m gonna go buy some paint and finish my bathroom

agreed. I have a race car. I have a race trailer. I pay to store it a couple miles from the house so that I don’t have that eye sore sitting in front of my [neighborhood] property.

He’s blocking the view of the neighborhood. On some properties a trailer like this wouldn’t block the views, but in this particular neighborhood, where the house are close together, there are small front yards and no apparent access to the backyards, it is an eyesore.

Having “the right” to do something doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole for doing it. The mind doesn’t have to go far to think up all sorts of way you could be a total a-hole to your neighbors, fellow diners, fellow passengers, etc. while remaining “within your rights.”