I Believe You Call It...Hate

As a serious sort-of answer, there was a 30 for 30 about athletes going broke that seems like it could partially apply here.

As one of the unwashed masses who sucks at parrying, I salute you.

I wouldn't count on it showing up here.

Even easier, if you stay close (in my experience) he'll only do the rain spell, which is the easiest one to soak as long as you back away some after it starts. That was how I beat him, since I couldn't dodge the other two spells or activate the pendant reliably.

(You might have to cheese Gwyn too…)

I've seen 2DSes for sixty refurbished, not too long ago either.

Toon Link is great, and it's even better because so many of his expressions remind me of my nephew.

Sorry I asked a question and then wandered off. This is exactly the explanation I was looking for. Thanks!

Care to elaborate? I've been of two minds on LA Confidential since I read Ellroy earlier this year. I'd be interested in hearing a more fully-formed opinion.

Fucking Gilgabot never replied to my tweet :'(

I haven't been able to touch FF6 since the last century, so I know what you mean. Strange that it doesn't happen for FF4, though.

Well, it's also possible that Pizzolatto only had one good story in him.

I think the consensus among True Detective naysayers is no, they are not.

I've worked at heights up to sixty feet, and the ground looks a lot further away than what they show you in the episode. To me it looks like thirty or forty feet.


There are multiple reasons to not show Stannis' death in full. They didn't show Ned's death, in order to show respect to the character. That's a formula that shows up a lot in slasher-type movies: go gruesome with someone who doesn't matter to the story, then show more discretion with the more important characters.

Realizing that Joffrey was this world's Henry V made me laugh my ass off.

Eh, if you're gonna go with the Christ angle you have to play it up.

Shireen got it from a doll, if I remember right.

I'm not going to go look anytime soon, but I wonder what was before the scene a few weeks ago where Drogon pays Dany a visit. Because one way to read the juxtaposition of those scenes is as a warning about Dany.