I Believe You Call It...Hate

"He has gone hollow." It's true! Dillane's face even reminded me of it!

Even if he's not dead, he's gone. There's nothing left of him.

It's his true legacy!

What a coincidence, so did Stannis!


Well, one of us has the sequence of events scrambled, because as I recall the prospect of torching Shireen came a couple episodes after his father-of-the-year speech.

He looked pretty hollowed-out there in that last scene.

He wasn't planning it all along. It was a tragic act. Stannis is hardly the first person (or character, to keep the terms straight) to act in a way that surprises even themselves. We learn and Stannis learns by this act what he really is.

Shireen, you're welcome.

Well, Thoros can bring back the dead. No coincidence there!

Well it's not in the holy text so…

Well, the Red God has seemed to come through so far. Plus the original of this story (Agamemnon) won his battle but was killed by his wife (along with a foreign woman who could see the future, just saying). They've followed the old story shockingly closely so far, so I'm betting on them continuing to do so.

Stannis has been taking these shortcuts to his own destiny since the first time he appeared on screen. As far as I can remember, the only person Melisandre wanted to sacrifice and didn't was Gendry, and he escaped because of Davos. Stannis always gave in to her. I really don't see where this is out of character at

Through the back.

"yeah, fuck that guy"

The side quests in the Arkham games work for me in ways that side quests in other games just don't. They actually deepen the sense of what it is to be Batman, which is of course the main object of the games. Or to put it another way, the side quests are like a one-issue story slotted into the six-parter of the main

You're absolutely supposed to use the drop attack the first time through. The game takes off the training wheels soon enough, might as well use them while you have them.

But their weapon is still level 1…

I hoped it would be a Count of Monte Cristo-esque story, since it started out as a pretty direct rip. And then, alas, the writers decided they had ideas….

I've heard this issue called out in the Iron Man comics as well. I wonder if he's just better as a foil to the rest of the team — he worked well in this capacity in Age of Ultron, and it's the role they seem to be slotting him into in Civil War as well.