I Believe You Call It...Hate

I know, I know. And generally in fiction you don't want to be part of the "best fighting force" because it means you're cannon fodder.

Joffrey had a couple similar moments, as I recall. I think everyone knows.

I don't like how the Unsullied went out like chumps either. Aren't they supposed to be the ultimate fighting force or something? Or is that another part of the Afghanistan parallel? (And I guess she did end up getting them pretty much for free…)

I just read that delay as shock.

They've been setting up this plot between Melisandre and the mother for like a season now. The mother is already the character I loathe most preemptively.

The difference being that in this case they probably aren't bullshit.

Hey, at least none of them died! (Apparently? I'm seeing this later.)

The version in the comics was really striking. (Note: original comics.) So much so that it obliterated the scene in the movie from my mind.

Yeah, I'd gladly take Winter Soldier and leave the rest of the MCU, so it's too bad they're doing it this way. Especially since, as you mention, Stark is likely to end up the de facto main character. So why not just make Civil War an Iron Man movie? It's not like that series has anything particularly interesting

They more or less show the training program in Agent Carter, or at least the low-tech version. Pretty nasty stuff.

Hey now, the Berserk sword is beyond reproach.

This is the correct answer

Mensis means month. Or were you referring to something else?

If it's the Frenzy thing that's getting you, it goes away pretty quickly. If it's something else, well, the Frenzy thing is all I remember. But yeah, I'm almost at that part of my New Game Plus run, and I have the choice between Yahar'gul or the Nightmare Frontier, and thinking about the bullshit involved with

This is what I did with my PS3 and WiiU. A five-dollar hard drive enclosure and a USB wall outlet and I was good to go!…mostly. I can't access half of the PS3's drive, which means that I have about 250GB rather than 500, but then we're not talking about multiple 50GB installs either.


Perfectly valid interpretation nonetheless.

Well, stoner rock, obviously. I used to be able to appreciate High on Fire et al just fine without being stoned, but after combining the two for a decent length of time it now sounds as boring to me when I'm sober as I'm sure it must to most people.

I thought it turned out to just be Hojo.

"I've been having issues with the controls" seems to be the rallying cry of everyone who's ever played Uprising. Apparently it's worse if you're left-handed, like me! Ah well, at least I'll be getting it with fun bux instead of real money