I Believe You Call It...Hate

Hasn't the number of WoW subscribers been declining for like seven years now? I think there are weaknesses in the model, but they might be secular rather than something a would-be competitor can exploit.

Yeah, if that was going to happen it would've been after Dragonage 2. I'm actually half surprised it didn't.

I don't know why it didn't go through the first time, but thanks for the link!

No, that's a great help. Thanks!

I don't know how many Shin Megami Tensei fans there are here, but be warned that if you're not one this might end up sounding a bit arcane. I have a save at the final boss in Strange Journey, more than eighteen months old at this point and right before the final boss. I've been reading about weird religious stuff

Great voice acting too!

College football? Less now than before, but it's still there. I should mention that I agree with you, and that a comparison with sports, where one person or team has to prove their excellence relative to another, makes awards shows look even more ludicrous.

Did anyone win for those gangster parts? It seems like that's a theme in these pieces, that the Academy is extremely reluctant to reward straightforward genre work.

Well, the true true insanity is that a crazy man's conception of human behavior is still (afaik) widely considered an appropriate model.

I'd call depression an intellectual hallucination. You see and hear everything correctly, but your brain acts like a prism and you end up with something unrecognizable.

See, if Florence turned out to be a fucking creep that actually would be somewhat surprising.

Don't forget the Seattle Seahawks and their attempt to copyright the number — call it 11+1, just to be safe.

Well, I've seen the intro to Far Cry 4 and the alternate ending and literally nothing else, so I won't be reading this. Thanks for the reply though!


This is actually my thought about the game as a whole. I can't remember anything it fixed from the original, but it sure made a lot of things more annoying.

The last game for a given console is almost always a sports game, barring something weird like Pier Solar.

You know, Mother 3 is right there on that list. (But yeah, generally not a good sign.)

I wonder how much of that attitude comes from people of a certain age who started with the first generation of handhelds and just gave up after that. I mean, so many Game Boy games were miserable off-brand interpretations of console experiences that it seems like a natural view to take. It took me until 2012 to get

Dodging lightning? Bah! You want to prove you love suffering, play Blitzball.

Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101. Pikmins 1-3. Mario Galaxy 2 is on VC, Metroid Prime Trilogy will be shortly. Beyond that I don't know, because I'm in the same boat as you with maybe a couple-month head start. But the important one is Bayonetta 2.